Ej upplagda Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for 4410/ GTS POWER H4420-LI 508,00 kr Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for 4410/4420 and F5500, 2400 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for CN50, GTS POWER HCN50-LI 1 184,00 kr Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for CN50, 4540 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for Dolph GTS POWER HHP7850-LI 968,00 kr Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for Dolphin 7850, 1900 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for Antar GTS POWER HIN2420-LI 651,00 kr Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for Antares 2420 / 2425 /2430 / 2435 / 5020 /5025, 2200 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for MC50 GTS POWER HMC50-LI(36) 962,00 kr Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for MC50 High Capacity, 3600 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 3,6V GTS Batt for MX2, GTS POWER HPSF-M 365,00 kr Li-Ion 3,6V GTS Batt for MX2, 1600 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for SPT 1 GTS POWER HS1700-LI(38) 626,00 kr Li-Ion 3,7V GTS Batt for SPT 1700/1800, PPT 2700/2800/8800/88 46 and Symbol PDT 8100 Extended, 3800 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for 730 S GTS POWER HSIN730-LI 627,00 kr Li-Ion 7,4V GTS Batt for 730 Series, 2300 mAh Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TE Annual Maint Multi Session Renewal STAYLINKED SL-TE-D-MAINT-R 717,00 kr Multi TE Annual Maintenance After Initially Purchased Term Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 0-18_000 MSGS PE INEXTEND INXT-API1 5 610,00 kr API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 0-18_000 MSGS PER YEAR, Price of EUR 0.04 per message will be charged above the maximum number of messages included in the package. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 18_001-36_000 MS INEXTEND INXT-API2 10 999,00 kr API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 18_001-36_000 MSGS PER YEAR, Price of EUR 0.04 per message will be charged above the maximum number of messages included in the package. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 36_001-60_000 MS INEXTEND INXT-API3 15 820,00 kr API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 36_001-60_000 MSGS PER YEAR, Price of EUR 0.04 per message will be charged above the maximum number of messages included in the package. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 60_001-96_000 MS INEXTEND INXT-API4 19 902,00 kr API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 60_001-96_000 MSGS PER YEAR, Price of EUR 0.04 per message will be charged above the maximum number of messages included in the package. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 96_001-144_000 M INEXTEND INXT-API5 23 426,00 kr API LICENSE PER TRACKING LOCATION 96_001-144_000 MSGS PER YEAR, Price of EUR 0.04 per message will be charged above the maximum number of messages included in the package. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda INEXTEND LIC REACTIVATION INEXTEND INXT-REA 1 069,00 kr INEXTEND LIC REACTIVATION, In case a license has been deactivated in reason of a late payment. Based on a per tracking location basis Lägg till i varukorgen