Service TC15XX REN SPECIAL VALUE 1YR CC SMSB ZEBRA Z1RV-TC15XX-1100 1 736,00 kr TC15XX Zebra OneCare Special Value, 5 day return to base, renewal of existing contract. 1 year, inc. comp cover and standard battery maint for standard battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda mCase for Verifone e285 w. lanyard. - WHITE ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS SPMC114-32 167,00 kr mCase for Verifone e285 w. lanyard. - WHITE Lägg till i varukorgen
Tillbehör TC57XX ESSENTIAL 7YR CC PMSB CD ZEBRA Z1AE-TC57XX-7303 16 587,00 kr TC57XX Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, purchased within 30 days of hardware. 7 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, premier battery maintenance for standard battery, commissioning and dashboard. Lägg till i varukorgen
Honeywell tillbehör HONEYWELL Software: OCR decoding license HONEYWELL SW-OCR-1690 526,00 kr Focus 1690 Scanning, Software: OCR decoding license key for MS1690 Focus Lägg till i varukorgen
Service TC15XX REN SPECIAL VALUE 1YR CC SMEB ZEBRA Z1RV-TC15XX-1200 1 838,00 kr TC15XX Zebra OneCare Special Value, 5 day return to base, renewal of existing contract. 1 year, inc. comp coverage, standard battery maintenance for extended battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Spare part - M-Case for Verifone e285 - WHITE ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS SPMC114-CASE-32 128,00 kr Spare part - M-Case for Verifone e285 - WHITE Lägg till i varukorgen
Tillbehör TC57XX ESSENTIAL 7YR CC PMSB ZEBRA Z1AE-TC57XX-7300 14 931,00 kr TC57XX Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, purchased within 30 days of hardware. 7 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage and premier battery maintenance for standard battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Honeywell tillbehör Honeywell SW OCR LICENSE KEY LICS HONEYWELL SW-OCR-19XX 395,00 kr Xenon 1902 Color Scanning, Software: OCR license key for Xenon series of products including Xenon 1900 and Xenon 1902 Lägg till i varukorgen
Service TC15XX REN SPECIAL VALUE 1YR CC PMSB ZEBRA Z1RV-TC15XX-1300 2 352,00 kr TC15XX Zebra OneCare Special Value, 5 day return to base, renewal of existing contract. 1 year, inc. comp cover and premier battery maint for standard battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next w. lanyard. - ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS SPMC115-02 131,00 kr mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next w. lanyard. - BLACK Lägg till i varukorgen
Tillbehör TC57XX ESSENTIAL 7YR CC SMSB CD ZEBRA Z1AE-TC57XX-7103 11 491,00 kr TC57XX Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, purchased within 30 days of hardware. 7 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage, standard battery maintenance for standard battery, commissioning and dashboard. Lägg till i varukorgen
Honeywell tillbehör Software: OCR license key for Vuquest 33xx HONEYWELL SW-OCR-33XX 379,00 kr Software: OCR license key for Vuquest 33xx Lägg till i varukorgen
Service TC15XX REN SPECIAL VALUE 1YR CC PMEB ZEBRA Z1RV-TC15XX-1400 2 506,00 kr TC15XX Zebra OneCare Special Value, 5 day return to base, renewal of existing contract. 1 year, inc. comp cover and premier battery maint for extended battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next w. lanyard. - ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS SPMC115-32 167,00 kr mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next w. lanyard. - WHITE Lägg till i varukorgen
Tillbehör TC57XX ESSENTIAL 7YR CC SMSB ZEBRA Z1AE-TC57XX-7100 9 835,00 kr TC57XX Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, purchased within 30 days of hardware. 7 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage and standard battery maintenance for standard battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Honeywell tillbehör Honeywell OCR LICENSE, 7980G HONEYWELL SW-OCR-7980G 355,00 kr SOFTWARE, OCR LICENSE, 7980G Lägg till i varukorgen
Service TC15XX REN SPECIAL VALUE 1YR CC BRSB ZEBRA Z1RV-TC15XX-1500 1 400,00 kr TC15XX Zebra OneCare Special Value, 5 day return to base, renewal of existing contract. 1 year, inc. comp cover and battery refresh (min 10 devices) for standard battery. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Spare part - mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next. - ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS SPMC115-CASE-02 94,00 kr Spare part - mCase for PAX D220 / CCV Fly Next. - BLACK Lägg till i varukorgen
Tillbehör TC57XX ESSENTIAL 5YR CC COL ZEBRA Z1AE-TC57XX-5CC0 6 667,00 kr TC57XX Zebra OneCare Essential, 3 day return to base, purchased within 30 days of hardware. 5 year duration, includes comprehensive coverage and collection option. Lägg till i varukorgen