Ej upplagda H.265, Full HD, mainstream HTM BRIGHTSIGN HD1024 5 449,00 kr H.265, Full HD, mainstream HTML5 player with exp.I/O package Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Embedded OPS Media Player BRIGHTSIGN HO523 4 652,00 kr Embedded OPS Media Player Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 16GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory BRIGHTSIGN SDHC-16C10-1(M) 249,00 kr 16GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory Card Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 32GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory BRIGHTSIGN SDHC-32C10-1(M) 391,00 kr 32GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory Card Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 64GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory BRIGHTSIGN SDHC-64C10-1(M) 466,00 kr 64GB Class 10 Micro SD Memory Card Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda A one month player _pass_ to t BRIGHTSIGN BSNPASS-01 122,00 kr A one month player _pass_ to the BrightSign Network service. This pass does not automatically re-bill Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Infrared Tx/Rx cable for HO, X BRIGHTSIGN CBL-IR-RCVR 3.5MM 163,00 kr Infrared Tx/Rx cable for HO, XD and TX players Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USBC to USBA and 3.5mm Serial BRIGHTSIGN CBL-USBCTOUSBA-RS232 108,00 kr USBC to USBA and 3.5mm Serial adapter to provide USBA and serial data I/O (3,5mm) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Additional year player hardwar BRIGHTSIGN EXTWAR-1 0,00 kr Additional year player hardware warranty, 10% of the purchase price. Maximum six additional years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Series three XD and XT player BRIGHTSIGN PA-W12V3A-MLX2 325,00 kr Series three XD and XT player replacement power supply, including four international adapters Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Series three LS player replace BRIGHTSIGN PA-W5V2A-USB 217,00 kr Series three LS player replacement power supply, including four international adapters Lägg till i varukorgen