Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Raptool NET ONLINE we RAPTOOL WYNN01 6 178,00 kr Service. Raptool NET ONLINE web-service Integration server. 3 year. Service and support. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Raptool NET ONLINE we RAPTOOL WSNN01 3 089,00 kr Service. Raptool NET ONLINE web-service Integration server. 1 year. Service and support. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL NET Online web-service RAPTOOL WLNN01 12 355,00 kr Raptool NET Online web-service integration server Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Cloud Data Storage so RAPTOOL SYNS01 10 811,00 kr Service. Cloud Data Storage solution for installing on your own IIS PHP SQL windows-server. 3 years total Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Cloud Data Storage so RAPTOOL SSNS01 5 405,00 kr Service. Cloud Data Storage solution for installing on your own IIS PHP SQL windows-server. 1 year Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP OEM package solution. Incl RAPTOOL SPUN01 2 409,00 kr RAP OEM package solution. Includes Client, USB Communicator, RTG app and 3 year service Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Upgrade from USB to NET RAPTOOL SPNNUP 750,00 kr Upgrade from USB to NET. Raptool OEM package solution. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP OEM package solution. Incl RAPTOOL SPNN01 3 614,00 kr RAP OEM package solution. Includes Client, NET Communicator, RTG app and 3 year service Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Ready To Go. Single a RAPTOOL RYGS01 103,00 kr Service. Ready To Go. Single application 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Ready To Go. Applicat RAPTOOL RYGP01 412,00 kr Service. Ready To Go. Application package 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Ready To Go. Single ap RAPTOOL RTGS01 206,00 kr Raptool Ready To Go. Single application. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Ready To Go. Complete RAPTOOL RTGP01 824,00 kr Raptool Ready To Go. Complete application package. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Ready To Go. Single a RAPTOOL RSGS01 51,00 kr Service. Ready To Go. Single application yearly, Upgrades and Technical support. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Ready To Go. Applicat RAPTOOL RSGP01 206,00 kr Service. Ready To Go. Application package yearly. Upgrades and Technical support. Per client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Remote installation of the Rap RAPTOOL REMU01 1 647,00 kr Remote installation of the Raptool USB Communicator (Basic or Pro) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Remote installation of local i RAPTOOL REMN01 3 295,00 kr Remote installation of local installation of Raptool CDS on a customer server Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Remote staging of one mobile d RAPTOOL REMC01 824,00 kr Remote staging of one mobile device. Installing the recommended settings and the Raptool Client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL 3Y Service Raptool RAPTOOL PYSS01 3 089,00 kr 3Y Service Raptool Server Script. For PC Installation Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL 1Y Service Raptool RAPTOOL PSSS01 1 544,00 kr 1Y Service Raptool Server Script. For PC Installation Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Hosting. Raptool NET Online we RAPTOOL HOWL01 7 413,00 kr Hosting. Raptool NET Online web-service integration server. The price includes shared NET Communicator license, hosting, service & support. Not including Client License. The price is per year Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Remote installation of the Rap RAPTOOL HOUR02 3 295,00 kr Remote installation of the Raptool NET Communicator (Basic or Pro) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, D, Hourly rate. App dev., RAPTOOL HOUR01 1 647,00 kr RAP, D, Hourly rate. App dev., Development support and Consultation Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS additional web-user RAPTOOL HOUL01 1 853,00 kr Single function RTG App license (Windows, Android, iOS). Price per year. RTG Level 1 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS Start, hosted CDS and Web- RAPTOOL HOSE01 10 502,00 kr CDS Start, hosted CDS and Web-service integrator, Online Communicator.1 web-user. Inc service and support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license + RTG Total s RAPTOOL HORT01 6 178,00 kr CDS user license + RTG Total solution, hosted. Needs CDS Start. Mobile device license + RTG connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Multi Function RTG App license RAPTOOL HOMF01 3 707,00 kr Multi Function RTG App license with CDS and service (Windows, Android, iOS). Price per year. RTG Level 2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license + RTG Integra RAPTOOL HOIR01 9 266,00 kr CDS user license + RTG Integrated Advanced, hosted. Mobile device license + RTG connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Script Integration Server local or hosted RAPTOOL HOIN01 6 178,00 kr Script Integration Server local or hosted installation. Price per year. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS, ERP-Integrated App design RAPTOOL HOEE01 7 413,00 kr CDS, ERP-Integrated App design (RTG) and Client License for: Android, iOS, Windows PC, Windows CE or Windows Mobile. App-deisgn included Connected to hosted Raptool Communicator and CDS. Price per year. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license, hosted. Need RAPTOOL HOCL01 2 471,00 kr CDS user license, hosted. Needs CDS Start. Web or mobile device license connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Server Script RAPTOOL PLSS01 6 178,00 kr Raptool Server Script. For PC Installation Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, A, Service. USB Communica RAPTOOL OYUN01 515,00 kr RAP, A, Service. USB Communicator 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. NET Communicator 3 ye RAPTOOL OYNN01 3 089,00 kr Service. NET Communicator 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Other services or licenses RAPTOOL OTHE01 10,00 kr Other services or licenses Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. USB Communicator year RAPTOOL OSUN01 257,00 kr Service. USB Communicator yearly. Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, Service. NET Mobile Co RAPTOOL OSNN01 1 544,00 kr Service. NET Communicator yearly. Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, A, USB Communicator RAPTOOL OLUN01 1 030,00 kr RAP, A, USB Communicator Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, NET Mobile Communicato RAPTOOL OLNN01 8 237,00 kr Raptool NET Communicator Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Additional unit Integ RAPTOOL IYXX02 4 118,00 kr Service. Additional unit Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years total Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Start Integrated Read RAPTOOL IYXX01 8 237,00 kr Service. Start Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Additional unit Integ RAPTOOL ISXX02 2 574,00 kr Service. Additional unit Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years total Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Start Integrated Read RAPTOOL ISXX01 4 633,00 kr Service. Start Integrated Ready To GO solution. 1 year Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Additional unit Integrated Adv RAPTOOL IRXX02 10 296,00 kr Additional unit Integrated Advanced Ready To GO solution. 1 mobile device license, 1 year service & support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Start Integrated Advanced Read RAPTOOL IRXX01 18 533,00 kr Start Integrated Advanced Ready To GO solution. NET Server, 1 mobile device license, 1 year service & support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Pyramid MemorID Base module ye RAPTOOL IPYR02 7 722,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Base module yearly service and support. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Pyramid MemorID Base module st RAPTOOL IPYR01 30 888,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Base module start cost - One time cost Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Designer 3 years, Upg RAPTOOL DYPN01 5 148,00 kr Service. Designer 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, E, Service. Designer year RAPTOOL DSPN01 2 574,00 kr RAP, E, Service. Designer yearly Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, E, Designer. RAPTOOL DLPN01 10 296,00 kr RAP, E, Designer. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. USB Client 3 years RAPTOOL CYUN01 618,00 kr RAP, A, Service. USB Client 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. NET Client 3 years, U RAPTOOL CYNN01 1 030,00 kr Service. NET Client 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. USB Client yearly. Up RAPTOOL CSUN01 309,00 kr Service. USB Client yearly. Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, Service. NET Mobile Cl RAPTOOL CSNN01 515,00 kr RAP, B, Service. NET Mobile Client yearly Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL USB Client, 10 pack RAPTOOL CLUN10 10 296,00 kr Raptool USB Client, 10 pack Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, A, USB Client RAPTOOL CLUN01 1 236,00 kr RAP, A, USB Client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL NET Client. 10 pack RAPTOOL CLNN10 16 474,00 kr Raptool NET Client. 10 pack Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, NET Mobile Client RAPTOOL CLNN01 2 059,00 kr RAP, B, NET Mobile Client Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Cloud Data Storage solution fo RAPTOOL CDSS01 21 622,00 kr Cloud Data Storage solution for installing on your own IIS PHP SQL windows-server. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Device Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESDVBN5 713,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Device Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Core B2M SOLUTIONS EUECOUUBN1 342,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Core Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Core B2M SOLUTIONS EUECOUUBN3 974,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Core Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Core B2M SOLUTIONS EUECOUUBN5 1 481,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Core Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Battery Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESBABN1 157,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Battery Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Battery Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESBABN3 451,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Battery Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Battery Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESBABN5 713,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 5 Year Battery Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Device Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESDVBN1 157,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 1 Year Device Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Device Essentials B2M SOLUTIONS EUEESDVBN3 451,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 3 Year Device Essentials Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR REWINDER DPR LLC. AD1111-S0 3 366,00 kr AD Rewinder DIAMETER 250mm 1. SPEED 120 rpm 1. LABEL WIDTH 127mm 1. CORE HOLDER 40-118 mm S0. Without support Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AD Rewinder DIAMETER 250mm 1. DPR LLC. AD1111-S1 3 976,00 kr AD Rewinder DIAMETER 250mm 1. SPEED 120 rpm 1. LABEL WIDTH 127mm 1. CORE HOLDER 40-118 mm. Roll Diameter 250mm Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda DPR label rewinder DPR LLC. AD1211-S0 3 402,00 kr ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. SPEED 120 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 127mm. CORE HOLDER 40-118 mm . SUPPORT Without support Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label Rewinder ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. DPR LLC. AD1221-S0 3 725,00 kr Label Rewinder ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. SPEED 225 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 174mm. CORE HOLDER 40-118 mm . Without support Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR REWINDER DPR LLC. AD2211-S0 3 563,00 kr D‚rouleur avec Mandrin î40-118mm Bobine î300mm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR all-in-one label rewinder DPR LLC. ASD1111-S0 3 851,00 kr ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. SPEED 120 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 127mm. CORE HOLDER 40-118 mm . SUPPORT Without support Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR all-in-one label rewinder DPR LLC. ASD1114-S0 4 012,00 kr ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. SPEED 120 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 127mm. CORE HOLDER 3 inch fixed. without SUPPORT Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ALL-IN-ONE LABEL REWINDER. ROL DPR LLC. ASD2234-S4 5 368,00 kr ALL-IN-ONE LABEL REWINDER. ROLLDIAMETER 300mm. SPEED 225 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 244mm. CORE HOLDER 3inch Fixed. SUPPORT 3inch Fixed Core Holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LABEL UNWINDER - Epson TM-C350 DPR LLC. ASS1111-S0 3 851,00 kr LABEL UNWINDER- Epson TM-C3500 printer. 40-118mm adjustable core holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ALL-IN-ONE LABEL UNWINDER. ROL DPR LLC. ASS2234-S4 5 368,00 kr ALL-IN-ONE LABEL UNWINDER. ROLLDIAMETER 300mm. SPEED 225 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 244mm. CORE HOLDER 3inch Fixed. SUPPORT 3inch Fixed Core Holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UW&RW printer plate DPR LLC. EPS35-JPL 1 355,00 kr UW&RW printer plate for EPSON TM-C3500. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR Label Rewinder DPR LLC. RP1234-S4 4 739,00 kr DPR Label Rewinder perfect for use with Primeras entire line of LX. Series Label Printers and especially LX900/LX2000. The RP1234-S4 can rewind rolls up to 250mm diameter and 220mm wide Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR REWINDER FOR VP485 DPR LLC. RV1234-S4 5 143,00 kr REWINDER FOR VIPCOLOR VP485 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Easy Label Dispenser. Label Width up to 150mm DPR LLC. SED02 4 317,00 kr Easy Label Dispenser. Label Width up to 150mm Roll Diameter up to 200mm Core Holder from 20mm on Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Easy Label Dispenser. Label Width up to 70mm DPR LLC. SED03 4 147,00 kr Easy Label Dispenser. Label Width up to 70mm Roll Diameter up to 200mm Core Holder from 20mm on Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR SMALL REWINDER DPR LLC. SRA 2 989,00 kr Small Rewinder, All-in-one, with adjustable core holde Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR UNWINDER FOR PRIMERA DPR LLC. UP1234-S4 4 739,00 kr DPR UNWINDER FOR PRIMERA Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR UNWINDER FOR VP485 DPR LLC. UV1234-S4 5 143,00 kr DPR UNWINDER FOR VP485 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AD Rewinder DIAMETER 250mm 1. DPR LLC. AD1114-S0 3 483,00 kr AD Rewinder DIAMETER 250mm 1. SPEED 120 rpm 1. LABEL WIDTH 127mm 1. CORE HOLDER 3 inch fixed. Without support Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer plate for EPSON 6000A DPR LLC. JPL-6000A 969,00 kr Printer plate for EPSON 6000A Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LABEL or BACKING PAPER REWINDE DPR LLC. RW6000A 4 237,00 kr LABEL or BACKING PAPER REWINDER. Roll diameter up to 250mm (10Inch). Media width up to 127mm (5Inch). 3Inch fixed core holder (for 6000A printer) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LABEL UNWINDER. Roll diameter DPR LLC. UW6000A 4 237,00 kr LABEL UNWINDER. Roll diameter up to 250mm (10Inch). Media width up to 127mm (5Inch). 3Inch fixed core holder (for 6000A printer) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer plate for EPSON 6500A DPR LLC. JPL-6500A 1 176,00 kr Printer plate for EPSON 6500A Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LABELREWINDER DPR LLC. RW6500A 5 098,00 kr LABEL REWINDER. Roll diameter up to 250mm (10Inch). Media width up to 220mm (8,66Inch). 3Inch fixed core holder (for 6500A printer) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LABEL UNWINDER. Roll diameter DPR LLC. UW6500A 5 098,00 kr LABEL UNWINDER. Roll diameter up to 250mm (10Inch). Media width up to 220mm (8,66Inch). 3Inch fixed core holder (for 6500A printer) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RW printer plate for EPSON C75 DPR LLC. EPS75PL-RW 368,00 kr RW printer plate for EPSON C7500 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UW printer plate for EPSON C75 DPR LLC. EPS75PL-UW 368,00 kr UW printer plate for EPSON C7500 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR LABEL REWINDER DPR LLC. AD2234-S4 4 748,00 kr DPR LABEL REWINDER Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR LABEL REWINDER DPR LLC. AD1214-S4 3 824,00 kr DPR LABEL REWINDER Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Inline matrix remover for OKI DPR LLC. MCHMTX170 25 510,00 kr Inline matrix remover for OKI Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer plate for Epson C4000 ÿ DPR LLC. EPS40-JPL 1 355,00 kr Printer plate for Epson C4000 ÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR LABEL REWINDER DPR LLC. AD1231-S0 4 255,00 kr DPR LABEL REWINDER Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Automatic CE Label Counter (mi DPR LLC. CE111 12 279,00 kr Automatic CE Label Counter (min. gap 2mm. min. label width 2mm) Roll Diameter 250mm. REWINDER/UNWINDER CORE HOLDER 40 - 118 mm. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Automatic CE Label Counter (mi DPR LLC. CE211 12 486,00 kr Automatic CE Label Counter (min. gap 2mm. min. label width 2mm) Roll Diameter 300mm. REWINDER/UNWINDER CORE HOLDER 40 - 118 mm. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer plate for Epson C6500P DPR LLC. JPL-6500P 1 373,00 kr Printer plate for Epson C6500P Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic ProGlove Care 5 yrs PRO GLOVE H033-B 4 351,00 kr MARK Basic ProGlove Care 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-LL-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Large Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply for Charging Stat PRO GLOVE Z003-000 238,00 kr Power Supply for Charging Station C001-EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 2yr Renewal of ProGlove PRO GLOVE H043-B 2 585,00 kr MARK 2 2yr Renewal of ProGlove Care 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Hand Strap 3 Pcs. Pack PRO GLOVE G011-MIX-3 1 295,00 kr Hand Strap 3 Pcs. Pack.Wrap with side trigger / right. One Size. 3 pieces per pack. Stretchable velcro band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-ML-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Medium Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Leo Proglove Care with Gateway 3 Years PRO GLOVE H052-B 2 378,00 kr Leo Proglove Care with Gateway 3 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-MR-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Medium Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charging Station Body PRO GLOVE C005-EU 1 889,00 kr Charging Station Body Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display standard range. 1D and 2D barcode sca PRO GLOVE M008 15 432,00 kr MARK Display standard range. 1D and 2D barcode scanner (10-90 cm).1,54_ e-ink display (high contrast, non-reflective).Battery life for up to 6,000 scans.48 grams Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 PG Care Gateway 3 Years PRO GLOVE H057-B 3 105,00 kr MARK 3 ProGlove Care with Gateway 3 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway Bundle - USB PRO GLOVE X001-A007-EU 3 133,00 kr Gateway Bundle - USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic ProGlove Care with PRO GLOVE H036-B 2 689,00 kr MARK Basic ProGlove Care with Gateway 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-SR-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Small Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 10-Slot Charging Station Bundl PRO GLOVE C007-INT 9 492,00 kr 10-Slot Charging Station Bundle - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cable for Access Point - RS232 PRO GLOVE Z002-000 254,00 kr Cable for Access Point - RS232 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic ProGlove Care with PRO GLOVE H039-B 4 870,00 kr MARK Basic ProGlove Care with Gateway 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Multi-range 1D and 2D barcode scan PRO GLOVE M010 13 056,00 kr Multi-range 1D and 2D barcode scanner (10-600 cm) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Reel Bundle incl. 2 L PRO GLOVE G008-LY-2 2 364,00 kr ProGlove Reel Bundle incl. 2 Lanyards Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display ProGlove Care 3yr PRO GLOVE H032-B 3 208,00 kr MARK Display ProGlove Care 3yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-LL-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Large Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply for Access Point PRO GLOVE Z002-003 60,00 kr Power Supply for Access Point A004-UK RS232 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic 2 yr Renewal of Pro PRO GLOVE H042-B 2 170,00 kr MARK Basic 2 yr Renewal of ProGlove Care 3yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charging Station Bundle - INT PRO GLOVE C006-INT 2 245,00 kr Charging Station Bundle - INT Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-LR-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Large Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display, Mid Range, 2D, Bluetooth, With Displ PRO GLOVE M006 15 432,00 kr MARK Display, Mid Range, 2D, Bluetooth, With Display Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Plug 10-Slot Charging Station INT PRO GLOVE Z007-002 925,00 kr Power Plug 10-Slot Charging Station INT.Power supply unit for 10-Slot Charging Station.Four attachment plugs (EU, UK, US, AU3) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Access Point or Gateway ProGlo PRO GLOVE H045-B 519,00 kr Access Point or Gateway ProGlove Care Add On Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Hand Strap 10 Pcs. Pack Æ Left Hand PRO GLOVE G011-L-10 3 909,00 kr Hand Strap 10 Pcs. Pack Æ Left Hand.Wrap with side trigger / left. Once size. 10 pieces per pack.Stretchable velcro band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Leo Proglove Care 3 Years PRO GLOVE H051-B 1 859,00 kr Leo Proglove Care 3 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display mid range PRO GLOVE M006-EU 17 678,00 kr MARK Display mid range Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-MR-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Medium Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda MARK Basic standard range PRO GLOVE M007-EU 9 427,00 kr MARK Basic standard range 1D and 2D barcode scanner (10-90cm) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 ProGlove Care 3 Years PRO GLOVE H056-B 2 585,00 kr MARK 3 ProGlove Care 3 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove WorkerFeedback PRO GLOVE SW-00004-B1 1 765,00 kr ProGlove WorkerFeedback Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display ProGlove Care 5 y PRO GLOVE H035-B 6 427,00 kr MARK Display ProGlove Care 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Leo Proglove Care with Gateway 5 Years PRO GLOVE H054-B 4 143,00 kr Leo Proglove Care with Gateway 5 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Enterprise Analytics monthly auto renew annually PRO GLOVE I-007 166,00 kr Enterprise Analytics monthly auto renew annually Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-SL-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Small Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Access Point 1s Bundle - Dual PRO GLOVE X003-A006-EU 3 855,00 kr Access Point 1s Bundle - Dual (RS232 + USB) EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 10-Slot Charging Station Body PRO GLOVE C007-EU 8 682,00 kr 10-Slot Charging Station Body Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 PG Care Gateway 5 Years PRO GLOVE H059-B 5 700,00 kr MARK 3 ProGlove Care with Gateway 5 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway Bundle - USB PRO GLOVE X001-A007 3 077,00 kr Gateway Bundle - USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway for Bluetooth Low Energy data transmission PRO GLOVE A007 2 839,00 kr Gateway for Bluetooth Low Energy data transmission. Compatible with any operating system including Windows and Linux Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display ProGlove Care wit PRO GLOVE H038-B 3 728,00 kr MARK Display ProGlove Care with Gateway 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charger ProGlove Care 3yr PRO GLOVE H004-B 427,00 kr Charger ProGlove Care 3yr Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Reel Bundle PRO GLOVE G008-2 2 364,00 kr ProGlove Reel Bundle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 ProGlove Care 3 yrs PRO GLOVE H031-B 2 585,00 kr MARK 2 ProGlove Care 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Cable for Access Point R PRO GLOVE Z002-002 60,00 kr Power Cable for Access Point RS232 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display ProGlove Care wit PRO GLOVE H041-B 6 946,00 kr MARK Display ProGlove Care with Gateway 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Plug 10-Slot Charging Station INT PRO GLOVE Z007 593,00 kr Power Plug 10-Slot Charging Station INT Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-LR-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Large Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB A/C Cable for Charging Sta PRO GLOVE Z003-003 119,00 kr USB A/C Cable for Charging Station Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Display 2yr Renewal of Pr PRO GLOVE H044-B 3 208,00 kr MARK Display 2yr Renewal of ProGlove Care 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LEO 1D and 2D barcode scanner (range: 10-70 cm) PRO GLOVE M009 5 334,00 kr LEO 1D and 2D barcode scanner (range: 10-70 cm) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Hand Strap 10 Pcs. Pack-Right Hand PRO GLOVE G011-R-10 3 909,00 kr Hand Strap 10 Pcs. Pack-Right Hand.Wrap with side trigger / right. Once size. 10 pieces per pack.Stretchable velcro band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-ML-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Medium Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 standard range PRO GLOVE M004-EU 13 056,00 kr MARK 2 standard range Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Custom Channel Config PRO GLOVE SW-00003-B1 1 765,00 kr ProGlove Custom Channel Configuration Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 ProGlove Care 5 yrs PRO GLOVE H034-B 5 181,00 kr MARK 2 ProGlove Care 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Leo Proglove Care 5 Years PRO GLOVE H053-B 3 624,00 kr Leo Proglove Care 5 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Enterprise Visibility monthly auto renew annually PRO GLOVE I-006 26,00 kr Enterprise Visibility monthly auto renew annually Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-SL-10 5 215,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 10 Pcs. Pack - Left Hand Size Small Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charging Station Bundle - EU PRO GLOVE C006-EU 2 245,00 kr Charging Station Bundle - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 ProGlove Care 5 Years PRO GLOVE H058-B 5 181,00 kr MARK 3 ProGlove Care 5 Years Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cable for Access Point - USB PRO GLOVE Z001-000 242,00 kr Cable for Access Point - USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 ProGlove Care with Acce PRO GLOVE H037-B 3 105,00 kr MARK 2 ProGlove Care with Access Point or Gateway 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. PRO GLOVE G006-SR-3 1 651,00 kr ProGlove Index Trigger 3 Pcs. Pack - Right Hand Size Small Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 2yr Renewal of PG Care 3yr PRO GLOVE H060-B 2 585,00 kr MARK 3 2yr Renewal of PG Care 3yr Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply for Access Point PRO GLOVE Z002-001 329,00 kr Power Supply for Access Point A001-EU RS232 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 2 ProGlove Care with Acce PRO GLOVE H040-B 5 700,00 kr MARK 2 ProGlove Care with Access Point or Gateway 5 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LEO Starter Kit - includes Scanner LEO, Tablet PRO GLOVE X015-M009 5 242,00 kr LEO Starter Kit - includes Scanner LEO, Tablet, Right Hand-Strap, Index trigger, Reel, Charger, Gateway Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic ProGlove Care 3 yrs PRO GLOVE H030-B 2 170,00 kr MARK Basic ProGlove Care 3 yrs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Inventory, Price RAPTOOL IPYRM04 191,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Inventory, Price check, Label print. 1 month Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda OEM Android/iOS Package soluti RAPTOOL SPNN02 4 633,00 kr OEM Android/iOS Package solution. Includes Client, NET Communicator, RTG app and 3 year service Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Order.ÿ 1 month RAPTOOL IPYRM03 245,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Order.ÿ 1 month Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Picking.1 month RAPTOOL IPYRM06 245,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Picking.1 month Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid MemorID Base module service and support. 1 RAPTOOL IPYRM02 460,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Base module service and support. 1 month Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Receiving. 1 mon RAPTOOL IPYRM05 191,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Integrated module Receiving. 1 month Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Studio PRO Perpetual SYSDEV KAL401 23 880,00 kr Kalipso Studio PRO Perpetual (1 x license with no expiration date) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Software free version update contract SYSDEV KAL429 6 000,00 kr Kalipso Software free version update contract + icon sets bundles + Phone and Email Support 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Personalized Training Day at Sysdev SYSDEV KAL423 6 000,00 kr Kalipso Personalized Training Day at Sysdev Headquarters or Online (3:30 + 3:30 Hrs.) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Studio Subscription 12 Months SYSDEV KAL404 11 880,00 kr Kalipso Studio Subscription 12 Months (Includes: 1 Kalipso Studio Subscription License, Phone and email support contract, Software free version update contract + icon sets bundles) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda All in one Label rewinder DPR LLC. ASD1214-S0 4 174,00 kr All in one Label rewinder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label unwinder for Epson C6500P DPR LLC. UW6500P 5 098,00 kr Label unwinder for Epson C6500P Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rewinder for Epson C6000P/C6500P Label Printers DPR LLC. RW6500P 5 098,00 kr Rewinder for Epson C6000P/C6500P Label Printers Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic mid range PRO GLOVE M005 10 010,00 kr Mid range 1D and 2D barcode scanner (30-150 cm). Wireless transmission (Bluetooth Low Energy).Battery life for up to 7,000 scansx40 grams. 1 year of device lifecycle management with Insight Visibility_ updates, remote configs,. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L1W2B - GO 4G Single CELERWAY 7090049150500 9 474,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L1W2B - GO 4G Single. GO portable router with 1x 4G/LTE, 2x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 4x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Compex WLE 900 dual band WiFi 802.11ac CELERWAY CWY-WLE900 3 891,00 kr ARCUS - Compex WLE 900 dual band WiFi 802.11ac. 2.4GHz + 5GHz dual radio WLAN. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-M5.3-E5C2W2 - STRATUS 5G Dual CELERWAY 7090049150746 34 376,00 kr CWY-M5.3-E5C2W2 - STRATUS 5G Dual. Router with 2x 5G, 5x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 8x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Edge computing capable. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M5.4-E1C2W1B - Xm2 (Dual 5G - 4 SIMs) CELERWAY 7090049150852 38 289,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M5.4-E1C2W1B - Xm2 portable router with 2x 5G radios (2 SIMs per radio), USB-C power supply, Click in battery (Ah/Wh TBC), USB-C LAN port (2.5Gbps), USB-C port supporting Gb Ethernet adaptor, 1xWiFi6e, up to 5x active WAN. Includes 3 yrs of Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda STRATUS 4G Dual CELERWAY 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L2W3 16 316,00 kr STRATUS 4G Dual. Router with 2x 4G/LTE, 5x GE RJ45, 3x WiFi, 9x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Chassis CELERWAY 3YP-CWY-M6.3-E3L3W1 26 984,00 kr ARCUS - Chassis. ARCUS modular router chassis and software bundle. WAN and LAN modules must be purchased separately. Includes 3 years of CelerwayOS software updates: Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Edge c Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda STRATUS 5G Single CELERWAY CWY-M5.3-E5C1W2 21 210,00 kr STRATUS 5G Single. Router with 1x 5G, 5x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 7x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Edge computing capable. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply EU CELERWAY 7090049150531 1 837,00 kr CWY-M6.3-EUPSU - ARCUS - Power supply EU. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - 3x M12-RJ45 adapters CELERWAY CWY-M6.3-M12 2 611,00 kr ARCUS - 3x M12-RJ45 adapters. LAN/WAN ports x3. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-M6.3-M12 - ARCUS - 3x M12-RJ45 adapters CELERWAY 7090049150562 2 307,00 kr CWY-M6.3-M12 - ARCUS - 3x M12-RJ45 adapters. LAN/WAN ports x3. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L1W2 - STRATUS 4G Single CELERWAY 7090049150418 11 727,00 kr 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L1W2 - STRATUS 4G Single. Router with 1x 4G/LTE, 5x GE RJ45, 3x WiFi, 8x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Quectel RM505Q-AE CELERWAY CWY-RM505Q-AE 9 727,00 kr ARCUS - Quectel RM505Q-AE. 5G radio module. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-M5.3-E5C1W2 - STRATUS 5G Single CELERWAY 7090049150739 21 332,00 kr CWY-M5.3-E5C1W2 - STRATUS 5G Single. Router with 1x 5G, 5x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 7x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Edge computing capable. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M6.3-E3L3W1-ULT ARCUS Ultimate Ed. CELERWAY 7090049150845 54 060,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M6.3-E3L3W1-ULT - ARCUS modular router with all options pre-installed plus software bundle. Includes 2x5G modem, 1x4G modem, 3xLAN ports/cables, WLAN radio installed and tested. NOTE: Excludes region specific power supply - to be purchased Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda STRATUS 4G Single CELERWAY 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L1W2 12 412,00 kr STRATUS 4G Single. Router with 1x 4G/LTE, 5x GE RJ45, 3x WiFi, 8x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda GO 4G Dual CELERWAY 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L2W2B 12 488,00 kr GO 4G Dual. GO portable router with 2x LTE, 2x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 5x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Telit LM940 CAT11 modem CELERWAY CWY-LM940 3 765,00 kr ARCUS - Telit LM940 CAT11 modem. CAT11 LTE 4G module. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-5.1-Travelcase - GO 4G Travel Case CELERWAY 7090049150524 494,00 kr CWY-5.1-Travelcase - GO 4G Travel Case. GO Travelcase. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply EU CELERWAY CWY-M6.3-EUPSU 1 945,00 kr ARCUS - Power supply EU. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply US CELERWAY 7090049150555 1 837,00 kr CWY-M6.3-USPSU - ARCUS - Power supply US. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L2W3 - STRATUS 4G Dual CELERWAY 7090049150401 16 589,00 kr 3YP-CWY-5.2-E5L2W3 - STRATUS 4G Dual. Router with 2x 4G/LTE, 5x GE RJ45, 3x WiFi, 9x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply US CELERWAY CWY-M6.3-USPSU 1 945,00 kr ARCUS - Power supply US. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-WLE900 - ARCUS - Compex WLE 900 dual band WiFi CELERWAY 7090049150647 3 438,00 kr CWY-WLE900 - ARCUS - Compex WLE 900 dual band WiFi 802.11ac. 2.4GHz + 5GHz dual radio WLAN. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-RM505Q-AE - ARCUS - Quectel RM505Q-AE CELERWAY 7090049150784 8 596,00 kr CWY-RM505Q-AE - ARCUS - Quectel RM505Q-AE. 5G radio module. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L2W2B-NFR GO 4G Dual NFR CELERWAY 7090049150876 0,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L2W2B-NFR GO 4G Dual - NOT FOR RESALE Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda GO 4G Single CELERWAY 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L1W2B 9 036,00 kr GO 4G Single. GO portable router with 1x 4G/LTE, 2x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 4x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda GO 4G Travel Case CELERWAY CWY-5.1-TRAVELCASE 457,00 kr GO 4G Travel Case. GO Travelcase. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M6.3-E3L3W1 - ARCUS - Chassis CELERWAY 7090049150517 23 848,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M6.3-E3L3W1 - ARCUS - Chassis. ARCUS modular router chassis and software bundle. WAN and LAN modules must be purchased separately. Includes 3 years of CelerwayOS software updates: Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year har Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda STRATUS 5G Dual CELERWAY CWY-M5.3-E5C2W2 33 886,00 kr STRATUS 5G Dual. Router with 2x 5G, 5x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 8x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 3-year hardware warranty. Edge computing capable. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply UK CELERWAY 7090049150548 1 837,00 kr CWY-M6.3-UKPSU - ARCUS - Power supply UK. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L2W2B - GO 4G Dual CELERWAY 7090049150388 14 218,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M5.1-E2L2W2B - GO 4G Dual. GO portable router with 2x LTE, 2x GE RJ45, 2x WiFi, 5x WAN Includes 3 yrs of CelerwayOS device updates - Phantom Client, Server and Nimbus Cloud licensing. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS - Power supply UK CELERWAY CWY-M6.3-UKPSU 1 945,00 kr ARCUS - Power supply UK. 1-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CWY-LM940 - ARCUS - Telit LM940 CAT11 modem CELERWAY 7090049150609 3 328,00 kr CWY-LM940 - ARCUS - Telit LM940 CAT11 modem. CAT11 LTE 4G module. 3-year hardware warranty. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply (all rewinder DPR LLC. PS110220 987,00 kr Power Supply (all rewinder, unwinder, dispenser) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Enablement Plan monthly sku PRO GLOVE I-005 0,00 kr Enablement Plan monthly sku Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LEO Bundle - includes Scanner LEO (M009 LEO), Hand PRO GLOVE X016-M009 5 937,00 kr LEO Bundle - includes Scanner LEO (M009 LEO), Hand Strap right and left, charging station (C006-EU) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Access Point 1s Bundle - RS232 PRO GLOVE X004-A006-UK 3 429,00 kr Access Point 1s Bundle - RS232 UK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Standard 5 Pairs Pack - Right H PRO GLOVE G001-7R 514,00 kr Standard 5 Pairs Pack - Right Hand Size 7 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 10-Slot Charging Station Bundl PRO GLOVE C007-UK 7 850,00 kr 10-Slot Charging Station Bundle - UK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Insight - Visibility bundle PRO GLOVE SW-I-010 0,00 kr Insight - Visibility bundle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Mark Basic 2 PRO GLOVE M011 9 492,00 kr Mark Basic 2 Multi range 10cm to up to 250cm BLE Battery life for up to 8,000 scans Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Access Point 1s Bundle - RS232 PRO GLOVE X002-A006-EU 3 429,00 kr Access Point 1s Bundle - RS232 EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Adapter for Charging Sta PRO GLOVE Z003-001 92,00 kr Power Adapter for Charging Station C003-UK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charging Station Bundle - UK PRO GLOVE C006-UK 2 026,00 kr Charging Station Bundle - UK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic, Standard range, 2D, Bluetooth, PRO GLOVE M007 9 492,00 kr MARK Basic, Standard range, 2D, Bluetooth, No Display, (Replaced by M007-EU) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Access Point 1s Bundle - USB PRO GLOVE X001-A006-EU 3 159,00 kr Access Point 1s Bundle - USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Access Point 1s Bundle - Dual PRO GLOVE X005-A006-UK 3 757,00 kr Access Point 1s Bundle - Dual (RS232 + USB) UK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY 1YE-CWY-4G 636,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-5.2-E5L1W2-L 959,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license + 1 yr warranty CELERWAY CWY1Y-5.2-E5L1W2-LW 1 606,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus, Phantom licensing and hardware warranty, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-5.2-E5L2W3-L 1 391,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license + 1 yr warranty CELERWAY CWY1Y-5.2-E5L2W3-LW 2 469,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus, Phantom licensing and hardware warranty, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.1-E2L1W2B-L 744,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.1-E2L2W2B-L 1 067,00 kr 1yrTerm extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.3-E5C1W2-L 1 606,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license + 1 yr warranty CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.3-E5C1W2-LW 3 223,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus, Phantom licensing and hardware warranty, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.3-E5C2W2-L 2 145,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license + 1 yr warranty CELERWAY CWY1Y-M5.3-E5C2W2-LW 4 301,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus, Phantom licensing and hardware warranty, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY1Y-M6.3-E3L3W1-L 3 223,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license + 1 yr warranty CELERWAY CWY1Y-M6.3-E3L3W1-LW 7 535,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus, Phantom licensing and hardware warranty, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Offshore consultant for remote project support 8Hr CELERWAY CWY-DEV-8H-OFFSHORE 20 951,00 kr Offshore consultant for remote project support, API integration, and solution development. Rate per day indicated. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ARCUS module mounting and test. Required for EAN 7 CELERWAY CWY-M6-ASSEMBLY 528,00 kr ARCUS module mounting and test. Required for EAN 7090049150845 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ALL-IN-ONE LABEL UNWINDER. ROL DPR LLC. ASS2224-S4 4 838,00 kr ALL-IN-ONE LABEL UNWINDER. ROLLDIAMETER 300mm. SPEED 225 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 174mm. CORE HOLDER 3inch Fixed. SUPPORT 3inch Fixed Core Holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label rewinder for OKI Pro Series Label Printers DPR LLC. MCHRW170 7 432,00 kr Label rewinder for OKI Pro Series Label Printers Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DPR all-in-one label unwinder DPR LLC. ASS1114-S0 4 012,00 kr ROLLDIAMETER 250mm. SPEED 120 rpm . LABEL WIDTH 127mm. CORE HOLDER 3 inch fixed. without SUPPORT Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK Basic ProGlove Care 3 yrs PRO GLOVE H005-B 1 423,00 kr MARK Basic ProGlove Care 3 yrs SCANNER ONLY Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway Plus Bundle - USB - EU PRO GLOVE X001-A009-EU 4 503,00 kr Gateway Plus Bundle - USB - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway Plus Bundle - RS232 - EU PRO GLOVE X007-A009-EU 4 859,00 kr Gateway Plus Bundle - RS232 - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Ethernet Cable - Regular and POE for Gateway Plusÿ PRO GLOVE Z009-000 238,00 kr Ethernet Cable - Regular and POE for Gateway Plusÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RS232 Cable for Gateway Plus ÿÿ PRO GLOVE Z009-001 238,00 kr RS232 Cable for Gateway Plus ÿÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RS232 Power Cable for Gateway Plusÿÿ PRO GLOVE Z009-002 119,00 kr RS232 Power Cable for Gateway Plusÿÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Gateway Plus Bundle - Ethernet - EUÿÿÿ ÿ PRO GLOVE X013-A009-EU 4 978,00 kr Gateway Plus Bundle - Ethernet - EUÿÿÿ ÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Gateway Plus Body EU PRO GLOVE A009-EU 4 265,00 kr Gateway Plus Body EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 3YP-CWY-M5.4-E1C2W1B - Xm2 (Dual 5G - 4 SIMs) CELERWAY 7090049150807 38 289,00 kr 3YP-CWY-M5.4-E1C2W1B - Xm2 portable router with 2x 5G radios (2 SIMs per radio), USB-C power supply, Click in battery (Ah/Wh TBC), USB-C LAN port (2.5Gbps), USB-C port supporting Gb Ethernet adaptor, 1xWiFi6e, up to 5x active WAN. Includes 3 yrs of Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CORE HOLDER - / EPS80PL-RW DPR LLC. EPS80PL-RW 368,00 kr CORE HOLDER - / EPS80PL-RW Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda CORE HOLDER - EPS80PL-UW DPR LLC. EPS80PL-UW 368,00 kr CORE HOLDER - EPS80PL-UW Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label rewinder with 40mm - 118mm (1.57_ - 4.64_). DPR LLC. RW8000A 4 596,00 kr Label rewinder with 40mm - 118mm (1.57_ - 4.64_). Adjustable core holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label unwinder with 40mm - 118mm (1.57_ - 4.64_). DPR LLC. UW8000A 4 596,00 kr Label unwinder with 40mm - 118mm (1.57_ - 4.64_). Adjustable core holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda INSIGHT - Productivity Plan PRO GLOVE I-008 1 246,00 kr INSIGHT - Productivity Plan Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Label rewinder for C8000 with 3_ core holder DPR LLC. RW8000F 4 416,00 kr Label rewinder for C8000 with 3_ core holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Label unwinder for C8000 with 3_ core holder DPR LLC. UW8000F 4 416,00 kr Label unwinder for C8000 with 3_ core holder Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DCAPP Data Collection APP SYSDEV DCAPP 624,00 kr DCAPP Data Collection APP Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 2 Year Core B2M SOLUTIONS EUECOUUBN2 665,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 2 Years Core Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda EU Elemez Bluestar 4 Year Core B2M SOLUTIONS EUECOUUBN4 1 255,00 kr EU Elemez Bluestar 4 Years Core Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MARK 3 Freezer Environment PRO GLOVE M012 13 650,00 kr MARK 3 Freezer Environment Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Config Support 20x15Min (5Hrs Max) CELERWAY CWY-CARE-5HR 11 500,00 kr 9am-5pm weekday Technical engineer support for all Celerway hardware and software solutions. Comprises eight x 15 minute token bundle, which can be used in any multiple as needed - Every ticket incident will consume at least ONE token and will be con Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TERM EXTENSION - 1 yr license only CELERWAY CWY-M5.4-E1C2W1B-L 3 821,00 kr 1yr Term extension for Celerway OS, Nimbus and Phantom licensing, Must be activated prior to expiration of initial license to maintain continuous Cloud service access Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Spare / replacement high power battery for install CELERWAY 7090049150296 488,00 kr Spare / replacement high power battery for installation inside all models of Celerway GO. Requires tool to fit. Lägg till i varukorgen