Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox OEM USB RF IDEAS OEM-6021AXU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox OEM USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart 3.5 in Cable USB w/connector f RF IDEAS CAB-HPN-C03 48,00 kr 3.5 in Cable USB w/connector for PCBA mounting Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Indala Flex RF IDEAS RDR-83X81AK0-17531 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Indala Flexpass Lite Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus SP MIFARE Secure U RF IDEAS RDR-80MH1AKU 2 556,00 kr pcProx Plus SP MIFARE Secure USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus 82 Series Wallmoun RF IDEAS RDR-805W2AK0 1 156,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series Wallmount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount W RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AWB-P 4 842,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount White EIP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryT RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AKU-RA 2 438,00 kr pcProx Plus Enrollÿ RA FactoryTalk Surface Mount Blackÿ USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AKE-P 4 913,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AKE 3 805,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black Ethernet Reader w/Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Surface mou RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AKD-P 4 842,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Surface mount Black Modbus TCPIP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AKB-P 5 074,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black EIP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK9 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wallm RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK8 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wallmount 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK7 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK6 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black 9v Pin 9 Power Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK5 2 129,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall Mount 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK2 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mou RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK0-C72 1 930,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mount Black USB Virtual COM Reader w/72 cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AK0 2 023,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enrol RA Factory RF IDEAS RDR-805W1AGU-RA 2 438,00 kr pcProx Plus Enrollÿ RA FactoryTalk Surface Mount Grayÿ USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus SP Enroll Ricoh Bl RF IDEAS RDR-805R1AKU 1 820,00 kr pcProx Plus SP Enroll Ricoh Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1AKU-WM 1 828,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed USB Reader Surface Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1AKU-C16 1 828,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed 16in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1AKU-C06 1 828,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1AKU 1 828,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1AK5 1 971,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N1-2 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll non-housed no cable 5v RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll SP reader B RF IDEAS RDR-805H1AKU-X 1 829,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll SP reader Black & desktop case (Must be purchased together with 1 MFP installation kit ) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus for Printers Black RF IDEAS RDR-805H1AKU 2 167,00 kr pcProx Plus for Printers Black Desktop USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus 82 Series Black US RF IDEAS RDR-80582AK0 1 156,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryT RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKU-RA 2 438,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryTalk Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 6in. RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKU-C06 2 034,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Ether RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKE-P 4 913,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Ether RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKE 3 805,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Ethernet Reader w/ Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Ether RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKB-P 4 800,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black EtherNet/IP POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v US RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK9 2 019,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v ex RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK8 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v ex RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK7 2 173,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v Pi RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK6 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v Pi RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK5 2 173,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v PS RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK2 2 073,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black USB V RF IDEAS RDR-80581AK0 1 966,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ICLASS RF IDEAS RDR-800W2AKU 1 433,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AKE-P 5 144,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AKE 4 146,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black Ethernet Reader w/Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AKB-P 5 305,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black EtherNet/IP POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK9 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK8 2 387,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK7 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK6 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 9v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK5 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800W1AK0 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AKU-WM 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID non-housed Hirose Connected PCBA USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll V2 w/ iCLAS RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AKU-C16 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll V2 w/ iCLASS ID non-housed USB Reader, 16 Inch Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AKU 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID non-housed USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AK7 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID non-housed 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AK0 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID non-housed USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-800N1-2 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID non-housed no cable 5v RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus for Printers Black RF IDEAS RDR-800H1AKU 2 911,00 kr pcProx Plus for Printers Black Desktop USB with SIM card for iCLASS SE and iCLASS Seos Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ iCLAS RF IDEAS RDR-80082AKU-C16 1 359,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ iCLASS ID Black 16in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ iCLAS RF IDEAS RDR-80082AK0 1 359,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series w/ iCLASS ID Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081APE-P 4 544,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Pearl Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll V2 w/iCLASS RF IDEAS RDR-80081AKU-AMZN 2 980,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll V2 w/iCLASS SE&SEOS Amazon Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AKE 4 026,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black Ethernet Reader w/Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AKB-P 4 928,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black EtherNet/IP POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK9 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK8 2 338,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK7 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK6 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 9v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK5 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK2 2 277,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK0-C16 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 16 in USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK0-C06 2 134,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black 6 in USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AK0 2 237,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll XceedID ID Black RF IDEAS RDR-7Y81AKU-C16 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll XceedID ID Black 16in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll XceedID ID Black RF IDEAS RDR-7Y81AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll XceedID ID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Legic CSN Wall M RF IDEAS RDR-7LW1AKU 1 962,00 kr pcProx Enroll Legic CSN Wall Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pc Prox 82 Series Legic RF IDEAS RDR-7L82AKU 1 237,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Legic CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AIR ID Enroll Legic USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-7L81AKU 2 106,00 kr pcProx Enroll Legic CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series FeliCa Black RF IDEAS RDR-7F82AKU 893,00 kr pcProx 82 Series FeliCa Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Playback MIFARE Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-75W5AKU 1 449,00 kr pcProx Playback MIFARE Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Playback MIFARE Surface RF IDEAS RDR-75W5AK7 1 587,00 kr pcProx Playback MIFARE Surface Mount Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Wal RF IDEAS RDR-75W1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Wal RF IDEAS RDR-75W1AK9 2 134,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Wallmount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Playback MIFARE Black 6 RF IDEAS RDR-7585AKU-C06 1 449,00 kr pcProx Playback MIFARE Black 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx MIF Black USB REader RF IDEAS RDR-7585AKU 1 449,00 kr pcProx Playback MIFARE Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series 13.56MHz CSN RF IDEAS RDR-7582AKU-C06 893,00 kr pcProx 82 Series 13.56MHz CSN Black 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AirID USB Reader 1356 RF IDEAS RDR-7582AKU 893,00 kr pcProx 82 Series 13.56MHz CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Bla RF IDEAS RDR-7581AKU-C06 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Black 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AirID Enroll 14443/15693 CSN r RF IDEAS RDR-7581AKU 1 123,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AIRID Writer Mifare USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-7580AKU 1 335,00 kr pcProx Writer MIFARE Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series 13.56MHz CSN RF IDEAS RDR-7512AKU 1 065,00 kr pcProx 82 Series 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Bla RF IDEAS RDR-7511AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB Nano Reader ÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Su RF IDEAS RDR-70W1BW0 2 134,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Surface Mount White USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Wall Mount i RF IDEAS RDR-70W1BK9 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Wall Mount iCLASS ID Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Wa RF IDEAS RDR-70W1BK5 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Wallmount Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID iCLASS ID RF IDEAS RDR-7082BKU 1 427,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID iCLASS ID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS SE Am RF IDEAS RDR-7081BPU-AMZN 2 318,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS SE Amazon 35/46 Pearl USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Pe RF IDEAS RDR-7081BPU 2 134,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Pearl USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Ap RF IDEAS RDR-7081BKU-ICE0114 2 242,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Apple Elite Key Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK9 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK8 2 391,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK6 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black 9v Pin 9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK5 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK2 2 284,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-7081BK0 2 134,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS ID Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID iCLASS&Se RF IDEAS RDR-7012AKU 1 391,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID iCLASS SE & Seos Black Vertical USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS SE&Se RF IDEAS RDR-7011AKU 2 080,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID iCLASS SE & Seos Black Vertical USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll ReadyKey Pro Bla RF IDEAS RDR-6R81AKU 1 828,00 kr pcProx Enroll ReadyKey Pro Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll NexWatch Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-6NW1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll NexWatch Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Nexwatch Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6N82AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Nexwatch Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Nexwatch Black 1 RF IDEAS RDR-6N81AKU-C16 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Nexwatch Black 16in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Nexwatch Black U RF IDEAS RDR-6N81AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Nexwatch Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Keri 26 bit B RF IDEAS RDR-6K82AKU 969,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Keri 26 bit Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Keri 26 bit Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6K81AKU-C16 1 828,00 kr pcProx Enroll Keri 26 bit Black 16in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series G-Prox II Bla RF IDEAS RDR-6G82AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series G-Prox II Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series EM410x Intel RF IDEAS RDR-6E82AKU-701 998,00 kr pcProx 82 Series EM410x Intel Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series EM410x Black RF IDEAS RDR-6E82AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series EM410x Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RFI pcProx (125kHz) RF IDEAS RDR-6E81AKU 1 123,00 kr pcProx Enroll EM410x Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll EM Black Horizon RF IDEAS RDR-6E21AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll EM Black Horizontal USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Deister Black RF IDEAS RDR-6D82AKU 969,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Deister Black 5v USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Cardax Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-6C81AKU 1 828,00 kr pcProx Enroll Cardax Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll AWID non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-69N1AKU 1 666,00 kr pcProx Enroll AWID non-housed USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series AWID Black US RF IDEAS RDR-6982AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series AWID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll AWID Black USB R RF IDEAS RDR-6981AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll AWID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll AWID Black Horiz RF IDEAS RDR-6921AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll AWID Black Horizontal USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll ioProx Wallmount RF IDEAS RDR-67W1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll ioProx Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series ioProx Black RF IDEAS RDR-6782AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series ioProx Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll ioProx Black 6in RF IDEAS RDR-6781AKU-C06 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll ioProx Black 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll ioProx Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-6781AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll ioProx Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Wa RF IDEAS RDR-63W1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Indala 26 bit RF IDEAS RDR-6382AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Indala 26 bit Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Indala ESMI 29 bit slim RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU-1771X 1 956,00 kr pcProx Indala ESMI 29 bit slim line USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala Deere Bla RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU-15652 1 957,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala Deere Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala DSX Black RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU-14966 2 027,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala DSX Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala 27 bit Bl RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU-10251 1 956,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala 27 bit Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Bl RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Indala Black RF IDEAS RDR-6322AKU 1 065,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Indala Black Horizontal USB Nanoÿ Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala Black Ho RF IDEAS RDR-6321AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indalaÿ Black Horizontal USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll CASI Wallmount B RF IDEAS RDR-62W1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll CASI Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series CASI Black US RF IDEAS RDR-6282AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series CASI Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll CASI Black with RF IDEAS RDR-6281AKU-C16 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll CASI Black with 16 inch USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll CASI Black USB R RF IDEAS RDR-6281AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll CASI Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll CASI Black 9v Pi RF IDEAS RDR-6281AK6 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll CASI Black 9v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Casi Black Ho RF IDEAS RDR-6222AKU 1 065,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Casi Black Horizontal USB Nanoÿ Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Casi Black Hori RF IDEAS RDR-6221AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll Casiÿ Black Horizontal USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series Atlas Copco C RF IDEAS RDR-60W2AKU-CC75 1 022,00 kr pcProx 82 Series Atlas Copco Customer 75 Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Wall RF IDEAS RDR-60W2AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Surface RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AKU-C72 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Surface Mount Black USB Reader w/ 6 ft cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AKE 3 513,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black Ethernet Reader, w/power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK9 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK8 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK7 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK5 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK2 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmou RF IDEAS RDR-60W1AK0 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Wallmount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6082AKU-C16 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Black 16in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6082AKU-C06 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Black 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6082AKU 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS RDR-6082AK0 936,00 kr pcProx 82 Series HID Prox Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Pearl U RF IDEAS RDR-6081APU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Pearl USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RFI Specialty RF IDEAS RDR-6081AKU-C16 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 16in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RFI Specialty RF IDEAS RDR-6081AKU-C06 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black RF IDEAS RDR-6081AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black E RF IDEAS RDR-6081AKE 3 513,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black Ethernet Reader, w/power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK9 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK8 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 9 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK7 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 9 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK6 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 9v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK2 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 6 RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK0-C06 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black 6 in. USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black U RF IDEAS RDR-6081AK0 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Nano 82 series horizont RF IDEAS RDR-6022AKU 1 065,00 kr pcProx Nano 82 series horizontal reader, HID card types Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll HID Prox Custome RF IDEAS RDR-6021AKU-CC75 1 853,00 kr pcProx Enroll HID Prox Customer Code 75 Black Horizontal USB Nano Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Nano Enroll horizontal RF IDEAS RDR-6021AKU 1 765,00 kr pcProx Nano Enroll horizontal reader, HID card types Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus BLE w/iCLASS ID & RF IDEAS RDR-30082AKU 1 637,00 kr pcProx Plus BLE w/iCLASS ID & SEOS 82 Series Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus BLE w/ iCLASS ID & RF IDEAS RDR-30081AKU 2 451,00 kr pcProx Plus BLE w/ iCLASS ID & SEOS Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Converter Enclosure USB Box w/ RF IDEAS HSG-CA-SFR100BOXUSB 706,00 kr Converter Enclosure USB Box w/Strain Relief O-Ring Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Converter Enclosure Serial Box RF IDEAS HSG-CA-SFR100BOX 706,00 kr Converter Enclosure Serial Box w/Strain Relief O-Ring Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RS232 Serial to Ethernet Conve RF IDEAS C-6200AKB-P 2 793,00 kr RS232 Serial to Ethernet Converter EtherNet/IP POE Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K Wristband Black RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-M-1K 39,00 kr MIFARE 1K Wristband Black Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wrist Tag OD30mm No Band RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EM-V 35,00 kr EM Wrist Tag OD30mm No Band Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wristband Silicon 65mm Red RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EMSR 64,00 kr EM Wristband Silicon 65mm Red Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wristband Silicon 74mm Blue RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EMSB 64,00 kr EM Wristband Silicon 74mm Blue Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wristband Nylon Strap 14 Bl RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EM-NXXL 98,00 kr EM Wristband Nylon Strap 14 Black Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wristband Nylon Strap 12 Bl RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EM-NXL 98,00 kr EM Wristband Nylon Strap 12 Black Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM Wristband Nylon Strap Black RF IDEAS BDG-WRIST-EM-N 98,00 kr EM Wristband Nylon Strap Black Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart PVC 10 mil Card Adhesive back RF IDEAS BDG-PVC-175 9,00 kr PVC 10 mil Card Adhesive back Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AWID ISO 30mil w/Mag Card 26 b RF IDEAS BDG-PSM-2S-A 73,00 kr AWID ISO 30mil w/Mag Card 26 bit FC 115 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AWID ISO 30mil Card 26 bit FC RF IDEAS BDG-PSM-2P-A 69,00 kr AWID ISO 30mil Card 26 bit FC 11 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Pyramid ISO 30mil Card 26 bit RF IDEAS BDG-PSM-2P 69,00 kr Pyramid ISO 30mil Card 26 bit FC 20 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Pyramid Keyfob 26 bit FC 3 RF IDEAS BDG-PSK-3 67,00 kr Pyramid Keyfob 26 bit FC 3 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart AWID Clamshell Card 26 bit FC RF IDEAS BDG-PSC-1-A 37,00 kr AWID Clamshell Card 26 bit FC 100 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Pyramid Clamshell Card 26 bit RF IDEAS BDG-PSC-1 37,00 kr Pyramid Clamshell Card 26 bit FC 10 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K 85.6x53.98mm Adhesiv RF IDEAS BDG-PLS-MIFARE-1K 26,00 kr MIFARE 1K 85.6x53.98mm Adhesive Label Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K 30x26mm Adhesive Tag RF IDEAS BDG-PLS-MF1K-S 22,00 kr MIFARE 1K 30x26mm Adhesive Tag Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K ISO 30mil Card, no s RF IDEAS BDG-ISO-MIFARE-1K 21,00 kr MIFARE 1K ISO 30mil Card, no slot Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexTag Adhesive Tag 2 RF IDEAS BDG-FPTAG 50,00 kr Indala FlexTag Adhesive Tag 26 bit FC 30 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexKey Keyfob 26 bit F RF IDEAS BDG-FPKEY 60,00 kr Indala FlexKey Keyfob 26 bit FC45 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexISO 30mil Card Nitr RF IDEAS BDG-FPISO-XXXX 69,00 kr Indala FlexISO 30mil Card Nitro Blank Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexISO 30mil w/Mag Car RF IDEAS BDG-FPISO-M 73,00 kr Indala FlexISO 30mil w/Mag Card 26 bit FC 65 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexISO 30mil Card 26 b RF IDEAS BDG-FPISO 64,00 kr Indala FlexISO 30mil Card 26 bit FC 75 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K Keyfob Blue RF IDEAS BDG-FOB-MIFARE-1K 22,00 kr MIFARE 1K Keyfob Blue Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Indala FlexCard Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-FLEXCARD 35,00 kr Indala FlexCard Clamshell Card 26 bit FC 105 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM4102 ISO 30 mil card RF IDEAS BDG-EM4102ISO 22,00 kr EM4102 ISO 30 mil card Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart EM4102 Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-EM4102CLAM 16,00 kr EM4102 Clamshell Card Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart CASI 50mil White Card CXPL5-SC RF IDEAS BDG-CXPL5-W-V 95,00 kr CASI 50mil White Card CXPL5-SCCCVA-0000, vertical slot Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart CASI 50mil White Card CXPL5-SC RF IDEAS BDG-CXPL5-W 90,00 kr CASI 50mil White Card CXPL5-SCCCNA-0000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart CASI Clamshell Card CXCRD-SSSM RF IDEAS BDG-CXCRD 41,00 kr CASI Clamshell Card CXCRD-SSSMW-0000 C10106 E214 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE 1K 30mil White Adhesive RF IDEAS BDG-CTW-MIFARE-1K 24,00 kr MIFARE 1K 30mil White Adhesive Tag Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS Seos Composite 30 m RF IDEAS BDG-5006 58,00 kr HID iCLASS Seos Composite 30 mil 8k Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS Clamshell 2k/2 Card RF IDEAS BDG-2080 39,00 kr HID iCLASS Clamshell 2k/2 Card 2080PGSMV H10301 FC 228 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS Tag 16k/16 2062PKSM RF IDEAS BDG-2062 88,00 kr HID iCLASS Tag 16k/16 2062PKSMN H10301 FC 226 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS Tag 2k/2 2060PKSMN RF IDEAS BDG-2060 51,00 kr HID iCLASS Tag 2k/2 2060PKSMN H10301 FC 206 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS Key 2k/2 Keyfob 205 RF IDEAS BDG-2050 76,00 kr HID iCLASS Key 2k/2 Keyfob 2050PNNMN H10301 FC 251 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Prox C RF IDEAS BDG-2020 134,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Prox Card 2020BGGMNM H10301 FC 222 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 32k/16 Card 2 RF IDEAS BDG-2004 110,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 32k/16 Card 2004PGGMN H10301 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 w/Mag RF IDEAS BDG-2002PG1MN 121,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 w/Mag Card 2002PG1MN H10301 FC 202 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 Card 2 RF IDEAS BDG-2002 105,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 Card 2002PGGMN H10301 FC 202 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Mag Ca RF IDEAS BDG-2000PG1MH-CUST 73,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Mag Card 2000PG1MH, horizontal slot Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 Card 200 RF IDEAS BDG-2000 58,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 Card 2000PGGMN H10301 FC 200 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID Microprox Tag 1391LSSMN H1 RF IDEAS BDG-1391 51,00 kr HID Microprox Tag 1391LSSMN H10301 FC 30 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID ISOProx II 30mil Card 1386 RF IDEAS BDG-1386 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II 30mil Card 1386LGGMN H10301 FC 190 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID ProxPass II Active Transpo RF IDEAS BDG-1351 466,00 kr HID ProxPass II Active Transponder 1351LBSMN H10301 FC 153 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID ProxKey III Keyfob 1346LNS RF IDEAS BDG-1346 75,00 kr HID ProxKey III Keyfob 1346LNSMN H10301 FC 250 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card RF IDEAS BDG-1336 80,00 kr HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card 1336LGGMN H10301 FC 121 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-1326 37,00 kr HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card 1326LMSMV H10301 FC 183 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID PVC Label w/Adhesive back RF IDEAS BDG-1324GAV2 19,00 kr HID PVC Label w/Adhesive back 1324GAV21 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to USB Converter RF IDEAS OEM-W2USB-V3 1 793,00 kr Wiegand to USB Converter Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to USB Converter, Long RF IDEAS OEM-W2USB-CHUID 1 793,00 kr Wiegand to USB Converter, Long Formats Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to RS485 Serial Conver RF IDEAS OEM-W2RS485-V3 1 902,00 kr Wiegand to RS485 Serial Converter Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to RS232 Serial Conver RF IDEAS OEM-W2RS232-V3M 1 630,00 kr Wiegand to RS232 Serial Converter, w/o Relay Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to RS232 Serial Conver RF IDEAS OEM-W2RS232-V3 1 902,00 kr Wiegand to RS232 Serial Converter Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Wiegand to RS232 Serial Conver RF IDEAS OEM-W2RS232-CHUID 1 902,00 kr Wiegand to RS232 Serial Converter, Long Formats Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Universal Data to Wiegand Con RF IDEAS OEM-1300 4 227,00 kr Universal Data to Wiegand Converter Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcSwipe 82 Series Magstripe 3 RF IDEAS MS3-00M2AKU 998,00 kr pcSwipe 82 Series Magstripe 3 track Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcSwipe Enroll Magstripe 3 tra RF IDEAS MS3-00M1AKU-C06 1 005,00 kr pcSwipe Enroll Magstripe 3 track Black USB Reader 6 in cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RFI pcSwipe RF IDEAS MS3-00M1AKU 1 005,00 kr pcSwipe Enroll Magstripe 3 track Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Linear Power Supply Wallmount RF IDEAS LPS-9V670MAMULTIPLUG 193,00 kr Linear Power Supply Wallmount multiplug 9V, 670ma, 2.1mm female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Linear Power Supply Wallmount RF IDEAS LPS-12V500MA-WALL 294,00 kr Linear Power Supply Wallmount 12v, 500ma, 2.5mm female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Power Supply & Adaptor series RF IDEAS LPS-05V241PS-M 193,00 kr Power Supply & Adaptor series for multiplug 5v, 1A 2.1mm ID x 5.5mmOD X 9.5mm Female Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Power Supply & Adaptor series RF IDEAS LPS-05V241CPS-M 294,00 kr Power Supply & Adaptor series for multiplug 5v, 1A mini-USB plug Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Ricoh installation kit RF IDEAS KT-SP-RICOH 87,00 kr Ricoh installation kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart SIM Card: HID iCLASS & SEOS fo RF IDEAS KT-SIM-SE 465,00 kr SIM Card: HID iCLASS & SEOS for SP/HIP Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart SIM for Mifare Secure Memory f RF IDEAS KT-SIM-AV2 437,00 kr SIM for Mifare Secure Memory for SP Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Black Flat & Angle Mtg RF IDEAS KT-SHBKT 97,00 kr pcProx Black Flat & Angle Mounting Brackets Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Reader Mounting Base Assembly RF IDEAS KT-RDRBA 271,00 kr Reader Mounting Base Assembly w/Angle Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcSwipe Enroll Magstripe 3 tra RF IDEAS KT-MS3-001AKU4 2 754,00 kr pcSwipe Enroll Magstripe 3 track Black USB Reader & 241C Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart MIFARE Credential Pack RF IDEAS KT-MIFARE-CARDS 268,00 kr MIFARE Credential Pack Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Mounting Velcro & Cable Clip K RF IDEAS KT-MFPMNT 68,00 kr Mounting Velcro & Cable Clip Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart IP67 Mounting Kits RF IDEAS KT-IP67 319,00 kr Reader Mounting Base Assembly Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart HID Prox Cards Kit w/PCG (viny RF IDEAS KT-HIDPROXPACK 353,00 kr HID Prox Cards Kit w/PCGÿ(vinyl Card holder package) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Pearl Flat Mounting Bra RF IDEAS KT-FLAT-G 60,00 kr pcProx Pearl Flat Mounting Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Black Flat Mtg Bracket RF IDEAS KT-FLAT 58,00 kr pcProx Black Flat Mounting Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Pearl Angle Mounting Br RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE-G+CLIPS 70,00 kr pcProx Pearl Angle Mounting Bracket w/Cable Clips Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Pearl Angle Mounting Br RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE-G 60,00 kr pcProx Pearl Angle Mounting Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Black Angle Mounting Br RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE+CLIPS 70,00 kr pcProx Black Angle Mounting Bracket w/Cable Clips Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Black Angle Mounting Br RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE 58,00 kr pcProx Black Angle Mounting Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Sökbart pcProx Plus SDK Surface Mount RF IDEAS KT-805W2AK0-IP67 1 872,00 kr pcProx Plus SDK Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AWB-P-IP67 5 570,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 White EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AKU-RA-IP67 3 141,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryTalk Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AKE-P-IP67 5 415,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AKB-P-IP67 5 838,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK9-IP67 2 747,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black 5v USB pwr tap RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK8-IP67 2 747,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black 5v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v ex RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK7-IP67 2 747,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Surface Mount w/ IP67 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall- RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK6-IP67 2 747,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall-Mount 9v Pin 9 Power Reader w/ IP67 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK5-IP67 2 747,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall- RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK2-IP67 2 410,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black Wall-Mount 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader w/ IP67 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount I RF IDEAS KT-805W1AK0-IP67 2 604,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Wallmount IP67 Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryT RF IDEAS KT-805W1AGU-RA-IP67 3 141,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll RA FactoryTalk Surface Mount IP67 Gray USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll Black USB R RF IDEAS KT-80581AKU4 3 523,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black USB Reader & 241C Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS KT-800W1AKB-P-IP67 5 790,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount IP67 Black EtherNet/IP POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS KT-800W1AK5-IP67 2 951,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Wallmount IP67 Black 5v Pin9 RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS KT-80081AKU4 3 727,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black USB Reader & 241C Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Pe RF IDEAS KT-6381APU 1 879,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Pearl USB Reader w/mountings Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Bl RF IDEAS KT-6381AKU 1 879,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala 26 bit Black USB Reader w/mountings Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx Universal Software Deve RF IDEAS DK-PCPRX-DOWNLOAD 1 703,00 kr pcProx Universal Software Developer Kit (SDK) Download Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart pcProx 13.56MHz Writer/Playbac RF IDEAS DK-7080-DOWNLOAD 1 703,00 kr pcProx 13.56MHz Writer/Playback Software Developer Kit (SDK) Download Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Ethernet 241 Converter USB & P RF IDEAS C-N11NCK4 1 844,00 kr Ethernet 241 Converter USB & Pin 9 Serial w/ Power Supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Adpator kit for AK5 & AK6 cabl RF IDEAS CAB-CONFIG-AK56 190,00 kr Adpator kit for AK5 & AK6 cables Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart DB9 Serial Cable 6ft. PS/2 Pow RF IDEAS CAB-9SER-KB 100,00 kr DB9 Serial Cable 6ft. PS/2 Power Tap Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Hub Mounting Plate Mount, DM-1000 Stand to HP Enga HAVIS 367-4557-2 585,00 kr Hub Mounting Plate Mount, DM-1000 Stand to HP Engage Hub Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DM-1000 Stand, with Adapter Interface, Black, for HAVIS 367-4557-K20 1 399,00 kr DM-1000 Stand, with Adapter Interface, Black, for HP Engage One Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Under counter Mount Enclosure for Connectivity Hub HAVIS 367-4715 738,00 kr Under counter Mount Enclosure for Connectivity Hub/Cable Storage, can be Wall Mounted, for HP Engage One for use with 367-4947 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cable, 32_(.8M) Long, USB, for HP Engage One HAVIS 367-5025-32 523,00 kr Cable, 32_(.8M) Long, USB, for HP Engage One Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DM-1000 Stand, with Adapter Interface for HP Engag HAVIS 367-5204-K20 1 877,00 kr DM-1000 Stand, with Adapter Interface for HP Engage One,...includes Connection Accessory to attach directly to the HP USB Hub Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LOW PROFILE STAND for HP Engage One Pro with VESA HAVIS 367-5886 1 673,00 kr LOW PROFILE STAND for HP Engage One Pro with VESA Hub Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Single Monitor, Heavy Duty, with HUB MOUNTING PLAT HAVIS 367-5892 1 969,00 kr Single Monitor, Heavy Duty, with HUB MOUNTING PLATE MOUNT FOR HP ENGAGE ONE PRO FANLESS HUB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LOW PROFILE STAND for HP Engage One Essential HAVIS 367-5910 1 094,00 kr LOW PROFILE STAND for HP Engage One Essential Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RUGGED MOBILE PAYMENT CASE WITH BELT CLIP Castles HAVIS 367-5922 446,00 kr RUGGED MOBILE PAYMENT CASE WITH BELT CLIP Castles S1F2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda LOW-PRO STAND,PIVOT,EQUINOX LUXE 6000M (with commu HAVIS ASS9E121 631,00 kr LOW-PRO STAND,PIVOT,EQUINOX LUXE 6000M (with communications module) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MD-501 Mounting Plate for the Zebra ET5X 8_ Table HAVIS C-ADP-124 283,00 kr MD-501 Mounting Plate for the Zebra ET5X 8_ Tablet Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MD-501 Mounting Plate for the Zebra ET5X 10_ Tabl HAVIS C-ADP-125 283,00 kr MD-501 Mounting Plate for the Zebra ET5X 10_ Tablet Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Tilt Swivel Motion Device for Compact Tablet Appli HAVIS C-MD-207 1 230,00 kr Tilt Swivel Motion Device for Compact Tablet Applications Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Rugged Articulating Dual Ball Mount, 7_ HAVIS C-MD-401 810,00 kr Universal Rugged Articulating Dual Ball Mount, 7_ tall Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Rugged Articulating Dual Ball Mount, 10_ HAVIS C-MD-402 978,00 kr Universal Rugged Articulating Dual Ball Mount, 10_ tall Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Bar Clamp Mount HAVIS C-MD-403 550,00 kr Universal Bar Clamp Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Fixed Overhead Mounting Package for Table HAVIS C-MH-1001 1 940,00 kr Forklift Fixed Overhead Mounting Package for Tablets Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Fixed Overhead Mounting Package for Compa HAVIS C-MH-1003 2 979,00 kr Forklift Fixed Overhead Mounting Package for Compact Tablet Applications Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 11_ Articulating Arm Clamp Mount HAVIS C-MH-1007 1 291,00 kr 11_ Articulating Arm Clamp Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pallet Jack Pole Mount Universal for Tablets HAVIS C-MH-2001 2 597,00 kr Pallet Jack Pole Mount Universal for Tablets Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal backplate for Castles S1F2 HAVIS CST00194 523,00 kr Metal backplate for Castles S1F2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Backplate for PAX A920 and PAX A920Pro HAVIS CST00203 154,00 kr Backplate for PAX A920 and PAX A920Pro Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Backplate for Tablets - includes attache HAVIS CST00205 185,00 kr Universal Backplate for Tablets - includes attached adhesive pad for non-VESA compatible devices, as well as mounting screws - for 75mm and 100mm VESA Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0101 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Standard AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0102 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0103 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0104 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0202 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Long AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0203 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0204 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0303 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Standard Stem VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0304 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard VESA 75 Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1100-KL-0404 836,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Long Stem VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0101 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing & Two Standard AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0102 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long AMPS Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0103 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0104 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0202 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing & Two Long AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0203 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0204 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0303 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing & Two Standard VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0304 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard VESA 75 Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1100-KS-0404 815,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.00_ Knob-Style Standard Housing & Two Long VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0101 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Standard AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0102 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long AMPS Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0103 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0104 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0202 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Long AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0203 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0204 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0303 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing & Two Standard VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0304 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, One Standard VESA 75 Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing HAVIS DBM-1150-KL-0404 920,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Long Housing, Two Long VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0101 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, Two Standard AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0102 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long AMPS Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0103 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0104 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0202 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, Two Long AMPS Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0203 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Long AMPS Plate & One Standard VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0204 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing Mount with One Long AMPS Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0303 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, Two Standard VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0304 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, One Standard VESA 75 Plate & One Long VESA 75 Plate Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Hou HAVIS DBM-1150-KS-0404 878,00 kr Dual Ball Mount With 1.50_ Knob-Style Standard Housing, Two Long Stem VESA 75 Plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Tablet Docking Station For Use With Havis TC-100 S HAVIS DS-TAB-101 2 001,00 kr Tablet Docking Station For Use With Havis TC-100 Series Tablet Cases (Charge Only) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Tablet Docking Station For Use With Havis TC-100 S HAVIS DS-TAB-102 2 513,00 kr Tablet Docking Station For Use With Havis TC-100 Series Tablet Cases (Charge Only) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station For Zebra ET5X 8? Tablet With Stan HAVIS DS-ZEB-102-ISO 5 454,00 kr Docking Station For Zebra ET5X 8? Tablet With Standard Port Replication And Internal Isolated Power Supply (18-75V), cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 8_ Tablet with Adva HAVIS DS-ZEB-104 6 623,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 8_ Tablet with Advanced Port Replication and Internal Non-Isolated Power Supply, cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 8_ Tablet with Adva HAVIS DS-ZEB-105-ISO 7 448,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 8_ Tablet with Advanced Port Replication and Internal Isolated Power Supply (18-75V), cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 10_ Tablet with Adv HAVIS DS-ZEB-204 6 967,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET5X 10_ Tablet with Advanced Port Replication and Internal Non-Isolated Power Supply (18-75V), cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET4x 8_/10_ with Standar HAVIS DS-ZEB-301 4 307,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET4x 8_/10_ with Standard Port Replication and Non-Isolated Power Supply, cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station For Zebra ET4X 8?/10_ Tablet With HAVIS DS-ZEB-302-ISO 6 046,00 kr Docking Station For Zebra ET4X 8?/10_ Tablet With Standard Port Replication And Internal Isolated Power Supply (18-75V), cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cradle for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet - add PSU LPS HAVIS DS-ZEB-303 2 338,00 kr Cradle for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet - add PSU LPS-175 (not isolated) or LPS-174 (isolated) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet with HAVIS DS-ZEB-304 6 623,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet with Advanced Port Replication and Internal Non-Isolated Power Supply, cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet with HAVIS DS-ZEB-305-ISO 7 384,00 kr Docking Station for Zebra ET4X 8_/10_ Tablet with Advanced Port Replication and Internal Isolated Power Supply (18-75V), cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Rugged Keyboard With Integrated Touch Pad An HAVIS KB-108 4 347,00 kr Havis Rugged Keyboard With Integrated Touch Pad And Emergency Key Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Compact USB Keyboard with Epoxy Keycaps HAVIS KB-115 5 157,00 kr Compact USB Keyboard with Epoxy Keycaps Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Backlit Mobile USB Keyboard with Force Sensing Res HAVIS KB-117 5 729,00 kr Backlit Mobile USB Keyboard with Force Sensing Resistor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Knob Kit Upgrade Option for the MD-501 HAVIS MD-501-KNOB 138,00 kr Knob Kit Upgrade Option for the MD-501 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Wall Mountable Rugged Warehouse Logistics Mount HAVIS MD-503 1 230,00 kr Wall Mountable Rugged Warehouse Logistics Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Heavy-Duty Forklift Clamp Mount With 5_ Extending HAVIS MH-1012 2 956,00 kr Heavy-Duty Forklift Clamp Mount With 5_ Extending Arm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Forklift Keyboard Mount HAVIS MH-3001 1 184,00 kr Universal Forklift Keyboard Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station (Charge And Data) And Tablet Case HAVIS PKG-TAB-SAM3 3 568,00 kr Docking Station (Charge And Data) And Tablet Case For Samsung Active2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station (Charge Only) And Tablet Case For HAVIS PKG-TAB-SAM5 3 056,00 kr Docking Station (Charge Only) And Tablet Case For Samsung Active2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Telescoping Universal Rugged Phone Cradle & Indust HAVIS PKG-WIN-102 718,00 kr Telescoping Universal Rugged Phone Cradle & Industrial Strength Suction Cup Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SELF-CHECKOUT ACCESSORY, PAYMENT ARM MOUNT, SC-100 HAVIS SC-1000-ACC-03 631,00 kr SELF-CHECKOUT ACCESSORY, PAYMENT ARM MOUNT, SC-1000 xxxDevice Specific Backplate Ordered Separatelyxxx Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SCO,COUNTERTOP, FIXED BASE HAVIS SC-1000-CF 2 569,00 kr SCO,COUNTERTOP, FIXED BASE Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SCO,COUNTERTOP, SWIVEL BASE HAVIS SC-1000-CS 3 707,00 kr SCO,COUNTERTOP, SWIVEL BASE Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SCO PEDESTAL, BOLT DOWN HAVIS SC-1000-PB 6 230,00 kr SCO PEDESTAL, BOLT DOWN Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SCO PEDESTAL, FREE STANDING HAVIS SC-1000-PF 7 507,00 kr SCO PEDESTAL, FREE STANDING Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Locking Latch and Key HAVIS SD0005 185,00 kr Locking Latch and Key Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply Used For 12-32 V Dc Input Vehicles Wi HAVIS LPS-142 4 475,00 kr Isolated Power Supply Used For 12-32 V Dc Input Vehicles With DS-DELL-700 Series Docking Stations Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis universal rugged cradle for ca. 9Ä-11Ä table HAVIS UT-2001 2 638,00 kr Havis universal rugged cradle for ca. 9Ä-11Ä tablets Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CABLE,PWRSPLY,90W OUTPUT,41in l,MINI-BONDI. HAVIS HW-EL-0089 370,00 kr CABLE,PWRSPLY,90W OUTPUT,41in l,MINI-BONDI. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 18in WELDED POLE, SINGLE MONITOR MOUNT HAVIS MM-10-850 1 123,00 kr 18in WELDED POLE, SINGLE MONITOR MOUNT Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis AC PSU with Switchcraft Connector Æ for DS-Z HAVIS LPS-167 1 818,00 kr Havis AC PSU with Switchcraft Connector Æ for DS-ZEB docking stations Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis isolated PSU 10-32V for Havis DS-ZEB series HAVIS LPS-174 3 338,00 kr Havis isolated PSU 10-32V for Havis DS-ZEB series Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Warehouse Logistics Mount with knobs HAVIS MD-501-K 1 353,00 kr Rugged Warehouse Logistics Mount with knobs Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Under Seat Printer Mount for Zebra ZQ520 HAVIS MH-3005 1 184,00 kr Forklift Under Seat Printer Mount for Zebra ZQ520 Printer Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Printer Pillar Mount for Zebra ZQ520 Prin HAVIS MH-3006 1 383,00 kr Forklift Printer Pillar Mount for Zebra ZQ520 Printer Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Printer Pillar Mount + MD-408 arm for Zeb HAVIS PKG-MH-3006 2 154,00 kr Forklift Printer Pillar Mount + MD-408 arm for Zebra ZQ520 Printer Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HAVIS single-bay charger for Castles S1F2 HAVIS 367-5938-1 643,00 kr HAVIS single-bay charger for Castles S1F2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Rugged Cradle For Zebra ET8x, Acer Enduro N3 HAVIS UT-1005 2 582,00 kr Havis Rugged Cradle For Zebra ET8x, Acer Enduro N3 And Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T937 & T938 tablets Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Rugged Cradle For Zebra 10? ET4X Tablets HAVIS UT-2020 2 399,00 kr Havis Rugged Cradle For Zebra 10? ET4X Tablets Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF ante KEONN ADAN-CP11EUEMSMA-200 1 448,00 kr Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined reading area, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF ante KEONN ADAN-CP11USEMSMA-200 1 448,00 kr Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined reading area, FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-L11: RFID UHF near KEONN ADAN-L11DB-FLSMA-100 428,00 kr Advantenna-L11: RFID UHF near field antenna, Dual band (ETSI+FCC), flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-L11: RFID UHF near KEONN ADAN-L11DB-FRSMA-100 428,00 kr Advantenna-L11: RFID UHF near field antenna, Dual band (ETSI+FCC), flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11EU-EMSMA-200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11EU-FLSMA-200 513,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11EU-FRSMA-200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11US-EMSMA-200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11US-FLSMA-200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P11US-FRSMA-200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12EU-ELSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12EU-FLSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12EU-FRSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12US-ELSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12US-FLSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P12US-FRSMA-200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factorFCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13EU-ESSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13EU-FLSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13EU-FRSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13US-ESSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13US-FLSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P13US-FRSMA-200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14EU-ELSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14EU-FLSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14EU-FRSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14US-ELSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14US-FLSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P14US-FRSMA-200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P16EU-ELSMA-200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P16EU-FLSMA-200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P16EU-FRSMA-200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P16US-FLSMA-200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P16US-FRSMA-200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P22EU-FLSMA-200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P22EU-FRSMA-200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P22US-FLSMA-200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF anten KEONN ADAN-P22US-FRSMA-200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P33EU-FLSMA-200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P33EU-FRSMA-200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil beam shape, ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P33US-FLSMA-200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high KEONN ADAN-P33US-FRSMA-200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil beam shape, FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST-1 114,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST12 176,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 12 feet (3,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST17 239,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 17 feet (5,2 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST-3 133,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST-5 140,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST-7 152,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 7 feet (2,1 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTRTNCMST-9 167,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 9 feet (2,7 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-1 101,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTSMAMST-12 186,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 12 feet (3,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMSTSMAMST-17 239,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 17 feet (5,2 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-2 108,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 2 feet (0,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-3 120,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-5 126,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-7 139,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 7 feet (2,1 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - KEONN ADCB-SMAMST-SMAMST-9 151,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 9 feet (2,7 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-C-ADFT 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanFitting, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-C-ADLK 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanLook, AdvanMirror, AdvanLift. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADGR 153,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanGuard, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADGT 153,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanGate, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADPR 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanPrint (RFID printer), Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADPY 153,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanPay, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADRD 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for RFID UHF readers, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADSF 153,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanSafe, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADSN 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanScan, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based softwa KEONN ADCL-D-ADST 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanStation Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW mod KEONN ADCL-D-ADSV 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanServe, Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting-300 master: inter KEONN ADFT-16TH-EU-300 23 045,00 kr AdvanFitting-300 master: interactive fitting room system, with touch screen of 16, wall mounted, recessed, Screen in landscape orientation, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting-300 master: inter KEONN ADFT-16TH-US-300 23 045,00 kr AdvanFitting-300 master: interactive fitting room system, with touch screen of 16, wall mounted, recessed, Screen in landscape orientation, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting-300 master: inter KEONN ADFT-16TV-EU-300 23 045,00 kr AdvanFitting-300 master: interactive fitting room system, with touch screen of 16, wall mounted, recessed, Screen in portrait orientation, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting-300 master: inter KEONN ADFT-16TV-US-300 23 045,00 kr AdvanFitting-300 master: interactive fitting room system, with touch screen of 16, wall mounted, recessed, Screen in portrait orientation, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for a KEONN ADGO-70-2SP11-EU-100 10 830,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment, 2 antennas, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for a KEONN ADGO-70-2SP11-US-100 10 830,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment, 2 antennas, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGPIO connection board, fo KEONN ADGP-110 770,00 kr AdvanGPIO connection board, for connecting AdvanMux, and/or AdvanPhaser to the GPIO of some RFID readers Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss preven KEONN ADGT-MSEU-P13-WH-100 18 833,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, master unit, single sided, Includes 1 white pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss preven KEONN ADGT-MSUS-P13-WH-100 18 833,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, master unit, single sided, Includes 1 white pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss preven KEONN ADGT-SSEU-P13-WH-100 9 137,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, slave unit, single sided, Includes 1 white pedestal with antennas and RF cables. ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-10: cross selling sy KEONN ADLK-10TW-EU-100 14 356,00 kr AdvanLook-10: cross selling system for retail stores, Includes: RFID subsystem, touch screen of 10, embedded computer, sensors, frame, software drivers, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-10: cross selling sy KEONN ADLK-10TW-US-100 14 356,00 kr AdvanLook-10: cross selling system for retail stores, Includes: RFID subsystem, touch screen of 10, embedded computer, sensors, frame, software drivers, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling s KEONN ADLK-20T-EU-300 27 256,00 kr AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail stores, touch screen of 20, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling s KEONN ADLK-20T-US-300 27 256,00 kr AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail stores, touch screen of 20, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMirror: AdvanMirror: cros KEONN ADMR-27T-EU-300 54 065,00 kr AdvanMirror: AdvanMirror: cross-selling system for retail stores with screen-mirror integration, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMirror: AdvanMirror: cros KEONN ADMR-27T-US-300 54 065,00 kr AdvanMirror: AdvanMirror: cross-selling system for retail stores with screen-mirror integration, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-A30-P13EU-300 2 582,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Antenna module P13, 30 cm width, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-A30-P13US-300 2 582,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Antenna module P13, 30 cm width, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-L15-300 756,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Left ending module of 15 cm width Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-R15-300 756,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Right ending module of 15 cm width Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-S15-300 907,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Separation module, 15 cm width Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular KEONN ADMT-P-S30-300 1 007,00 kr AdvanMat-300: RFID UHF modular floor mat , Separation module, 30 cm width Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-2SP12-EU-100 17 378,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, 2 antennas, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-2SP12-US-100 17 378,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, 2 antennas, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-4SP12-EU-100 22 793,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, 4 antennas, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-4SP12-US-100 22 793,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, 4 antennas, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda External controller for AdvanP KEONN ADPY-ECM-100 1 063,00 kr External controller for AdvanPay-110 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-ESMA-10 3 652,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with integrated antenna, ETSI band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-ESMA-70 6 674,00 kr AdvanReader-70: 1 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-EU-10 2 714,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with integrated antenna, ETSI band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-FLSMA-10 2 714,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with flange straight SMA connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-FRSMA-10 2 714,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with flange right angle SMA connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-SMA-70 5 919,00 kr AdvanReader-70: 1 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M1-US-10 2 714,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with integrated antenna, FCC band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 2 ports RFID U KEONN ADRD-M2-ESMA-10 5 163,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 2 ports RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70: 2 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M2-ESMA-70 8 003,00 kr AdvanReader-70: 2 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 2 ports RFID U KEONN ADRD-M2-SMA-10 4 282,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 2 ports RFID UHF high performance USB reader, with flange right angle connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70: 2 port RFID UH KEONN ADRD-M2-SMA-70 7 178,00 kr AdvanReader-70: 2 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID U KEONN ADRD-M4-ESMA-160 11 082,00 kr AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID U KEONN ADRD-M4-SMA-160 10 074,00 kr AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID UHF high performance reader, with on-board Linux microcomputer, PoE injector not included, Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Robin: RFID inventory robot, KEONN ADRT-EU-100 340 314,00 kr Robin: RFID inventory robot, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Robin: RFID inventory robot, KEONN ADRT-US-100 340 314,00 kr Robin: RFID inventory robot, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss p KEONN ADSF-OMSEU-22-200 19 085,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering. Overhead master, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss p KEONN ADSF-OMSUS-22-200 18 134,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering. Overhead master, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss p KEONN ADSF-OSSEU-22-200 9 948,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering. Overhead slave, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band. Included: RF cable of 12 feet for connecting the slave to the master Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss p KEONN ADSF-OSSUS-22-200 9 948,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering. Overhead slave, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band. Included: RF cable of 12 feet for connecting the slave to the master Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSpeaker for AdvanReader a KEONN ADSK-JCK-100 1 007,00 kr AdvanSpeaker for AdvanReader and AdvanPay Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, KEONN ADSN-CHW-C72-001-CN 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, configured for AdvanCloud, With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and recharging cradle, China frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, KEONN ADSN-CHW-C72-001-EU 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, configured for AdvanCloud, With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and recharging cradle, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, KEONN ADSN-CHW-C72-001-KR 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, configured for AdvanCloud, With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and recharging cradle, Korea frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, KEONN ADSN-CHW-C72-001-UK 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 2W, configured for AdvanCloud, With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and recharging cradle, ETSI frequency band, UK plug Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-2-ESMA-110 1 063,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 2 ports, SMA connectors, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-2-SMA-110 448,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 2 ports, SMA connectors, Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-4-ESMA-110 1 259,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 4 ports, SMA connectors, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-4-SMA-110 700,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 4 ports, SMA connectors, Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-8-ESMA-110 1 833,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 8 ports, SMA connectors, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSplitter: RFID power spli KEONN ADSP-8-SMA-110 1 007,00 kr AdvanSplitter: RFID power splitter, 8 ports, SMA connectors, Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station KEONN ADST-10T-EU-200 17 378,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, with 10 screen, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station KEONN ADST-EU-100 15 111,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OMCEU-22-200 24 178,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Master unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OMCUS-22-200 24 178,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Master unit, ceiling mount, US frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OMSEU-22-200 24 178,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Master unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OMSUS-22-200 24 178,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Master unit, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OSCEU-22-200 13 852,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Slave unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OSCUS-22-200 13 852,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Slave unit, ceiling mount, US frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OSSEU-22-200 13 852,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Slave unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead KEONN ADTR-OSSUS-22-200 13 852,00 kr AdvanTrack: RFID UHF overhead real-time inventory system, Slave unit, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Power supply, 24V 2A with lock KEONN PPWS-24V-2A-LKST 406,00 kr Power supply, 24V 2A with lock in straight DC connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting Master RFID Subsystem KEONN ADFT-MSEU-200 17 448,00 kr AdvanFitting Master RFID Subsystem, Suspension Mount ETSI Version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFittin Slave RFID Subsystem Suspension mount KEONN ADFT-SSEU-200 6 115,00 kr AdvanFittin Slave RFID Subsystem Suspension mount ETSI Version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader KEONN ADPY-CU-EU-120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functionsUnder table mount, ETSI frequency bandPoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readi KEONN ADPY-CF-US-120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functionsFlush mount, FCC frequency bandPoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting master RFID subsystem FCC KEONN ADFT-MSUS-200 17 448,00 kr AdvanFitting master RFID subsystem, suspension mount, FCC version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting slave RFID subsystem FCC KEONN ADFT-SSUS-200 6 115,00 kr AdvanFitting slave RFID subsystem, suspension mount, FCC version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readi KEONN ADPY-CF-EU-120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions Flush mount, ETSI frequency bandPoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanPortal KEONN ADCL-D-ADPL 437,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanPortalIncludes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal KEONN ADPL-2SP11-EU-100 15 489,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with 2 antennas, ETSIfrequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal KEONN ADPL-4SP11-EU-100 19 519,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with 4 antennas, ETSIfrequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Power over Ethernet injector KEONN PPWS-POEI-56V-003 490,00 kr Power over Ethernet injector (incl. VAC transformer), 56V and 30 W power output, C14 connector, shielded RJ45 connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader KEONN ADPY-CD-EU-120 9 543,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functionsDesktop mount, ETSI frequency bandPoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system KEONN ADTR-OMCEU-50 10 956,00 kr AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, primary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW smart displays KEONN ADCL-D-ADDS 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for smart displays Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW AdvanFlow KEONN ADCL-D-ADFL 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanFlow Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW AdvanRobot KEONN ADCL-D-ADRT 437,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanRobot. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW AdvanTrack/AdvanShelf KEONN ADCL-D-ADSH 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanTrack / AdvanShelf. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Inventory software for handheld readers KEONN ADCL-D-ADSN-UPD 40,00 kr Inventory software for handheld readers (software updates) (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW AdvanStation KEONN ADCL-D-ADSP 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for AdvanStation with printer. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW waste station KEONN ADCL-D-ADWS 262,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based SW module for waste station. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna ETSI f KEONN ADAN-SP11EUEFLSMA100 2 258,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna ETSI frequency band, with enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna ETSI KEONN ADAN-SP12EUE67SMA100 2 267,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna ETSI frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna FCC fr KEONN ADAN-SP11USE67SMA100 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna FCC frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGPIO connection board, for connecting industr KEONN ADGP-E-200 1 511,00 kr AdvanGPIO connection board, for connecting industrial devices to Keonn readers Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda AdvanMux-8: RFID UHF multiplex KEONN ADMX-8-E-130 1 959,00 kr AdvanMux-8: RFID UHF multiplexer, 8 ports, SMA connectors, Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID U KEONN ADRD-M4-ESMA-24-160 11 082,00 kr AdvanReader-160:4portRFIDUHFhighperformancereader,withon-boardLinuxmicrocomputer,PoEinjectornotincluded,Enclosureincluded Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 100 cm length KEONN PCBL-UTP-CAT6SWH-100 22,00 kr UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 100 cm length Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, ETSI frequency b KEONN ADAN-P11EUEFFLSMA200 1 070,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, ETSI frequency band, white enclosure, flange straight SMA connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated a KEONN ADRD-M1-CP11-EU-70 8 241,00 kr AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated antenna and confined field, ETSI frequency band PoE injector not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCl KEONN ADSN-CHW-C72-002-EU 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud. Includes Android terminal: Android 11, Octa-core, Full HD 5.2_ screen. 2D Barcode scanner, 4G/Dual-band WiFi, 8000mAh battery, IP65. Single charging cradle. ETSI frequency band - EU power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated anten KEONN ADPY-CD-EU-10 5 121,00 kr AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated antenna and confined reading area Desktop mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna.ETSI f KEONN ADANSP12EUPROSMA1100 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna.ETSI frequency band, right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-SP12 KEONN ADHD-ADAN-SP12-100 353,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-SP12 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antennaETSI KEONN ADAN-SP11EU-PRMSMA-1 856,00 kr ADAN-SP11EU-PRMSMA-1-100,Advantenna-SP11:RFIDUHFhighgainantennaETSIfrequencyband,edgemountSMAfemaleconnector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 Black USB SDK Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80532BKU 968,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 Black USB SDK Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black 72in US RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKU-C72 1 863,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black 72in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Bio Keystroke Badge & Fingerprint Combo Bl RF IDEAS RDF-30541AKU 4 817,00 kr WAVE ID Bio Keystroke Badge & Fingerprint Combo Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Modbus POE Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKB-P 4 674,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Modbus POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 Card C RF IDEAS BDG-2002-CUST 105,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 16k/16 Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical RF IDEAS RDR-75U1AKU 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount IP67 Black US RF IDEAS KT-805W1BKU-IP67 2 514,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke Indala RF IDEAS RDR-6311AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke Indala V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-1326-H10304 37,00 kr HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card H10304 FC 889 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke RF IDEAS OEM-805N13KU 1 562,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke Micro module USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Tag 16k/2 2061PKSM RF IDEAS BDG-2061-CUST 88,00 kr HID iCLASS Tag 16k/2 2061PKSMN H10301 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB to JST Cable Assy. 13_ RF IDEAS CAB-00016_1 58,00 kr USB to JST Cable Assy. 13_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB K RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU 1 940,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB Keystroke Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Bla RF IDEAS RDR-7581AKU-C16 1 765,00 kr pcProx Enroll 13.56MHz CSN Black 16in(40.64cm) USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Virtual RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK0-IP67 2 604,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos m RF IDEAS OEM-800N11K5 2 312,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus V2 w/iCLASS SE & RF IDEAS RDR-800N1-2-WM 2 277,00 kr WAVE ID Plus V2 w/iCLASS SE & Seos Keystroke non-housed no cable Hirose Connected PCBA 5v RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Nano SIM Card HID iCLASS & Seos RF IDEAS KT-4FFSIM-SE 453,00 kr Nano SIM Card HID iCLASS & Seos Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo SDK LEGIC Secure Segment Kaufland Bla RF IDEAS RDR-7L81BKU-KAUF 2 237,00 kr WAVE ID Solo SDK LEGIC Secure Segment Kaufland Black USB Reader, Restricted item only For YouCard Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Blac RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKD-P 4 842,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Black Modbus POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Mifare Ultra Light CSN RF IDEAS BDG-MIFAREULTRALIGHT 22,00 kr Mifare Ultra Light CSN Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black TCP/IP Ethernet POE Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKE-P 18 749,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black TCP/IP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Clamshell 2k/2 Card RF IDEAS BDG-2080-CUST 39,00 kr HID iCLASS Clamshell 2k/2 Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke module USB Reader RF IDEAS OEM-805N11KU-V3 1 508,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke module USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card RF IDEAS BDG-1336-XXXX 80,00 kr HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card 1336NGGNN Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM Keys RF IDEAS OEM-805N1-W 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM Keystroke module Wiegand Reader w/ No Cables Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke Hitag V RF IDEAS RDR-6H11AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke Hitag V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Micro module USB reader w RF IDEAS OEM-805N63KU-X 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Micro module USB reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 9v Pin 9 RS- RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK6-IP67 2 747,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 9v Pin 9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK ioProx (Kante RF IDEAS RDR-6712AKU-V2 968,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK ioProx (Kantech) V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader, 5yr RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKU-5Y 1 993,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader, 5yr warranty Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 Black 16 i RF IDEAS RDR-7582AKU-C16 893,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 Black 16 in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Writer MIFARE Black w/ RF IDEAS RDR-7580AKU-620 1 317,00 kr pcProx Writer MIFARE Black w/ FW10620 USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v USB pwr t RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK9-IP67 2 747,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo Keystroke V2 HID RF IDEAS RDR-6081AKU-BOEINGV2 2 032,00 kr WAVE ID Solo Keystroke V2 HID Prox Boeing Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black 6in USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80532BKU-C06 968,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N2AKU-C06 1 103,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 non-housed 6in. USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda micro SIM Card: HID iCLASS & S RF IDEAS KT-3FFSIM-SE 453,00 kr micro SIM Card: HID iCLASS & Seos for WAVE ID Plus Embedded Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB CM Cable 36in T-Drumÿ Stra RF IDEAS CAB-NEWPROX-W-36 150,00 kr USB CM Cable 36in T-Drumÿ Strain Relief Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HIP 2 USB Type A Cable 6FT Rev RF IDEAS CAB-00002-B 60,00 kr HIP 2 USB Type A Cable 6FT Rev B Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v P/S2 RS-232 Re RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK2 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v P/S2 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Indala FlexISO 30mil Card Cust RF IDEAS BDG-FPISO-CUST 64,00 kr Indala FlexISO 30mil Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Mini Keystroke Black USB reader RF IDEAS RDR-30531EKU 2 169,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile Mini Keystroke Black USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WaveID Plus Mini with Mifare Secure Black Keystrok RF IDEAS RDR-80M31AKU 2 061,00 kr WaveID Plus Mini with Mifare Secure Black Keystroking USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxPass II Active Transpo RF IDEAS BDG-1351-CUST 466,00 kr HID ProxPass II Active Transponder Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK OEM module 5v RF IDEAS OEM-805N2AK5 1 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK OEM module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano 3.56MHz CSN Black Vertical CCID Reade RF IDEAS RDR-7516AKU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano 3.56MHz CSN Black Vertical CCID Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Molex 150200161 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna RF IDEAS MISC-00056-1 44,00 kr Molex 150200161 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna 1 1/8th_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HIP 2 USB Cable 12in cable RF IDEAS CAB-00002-1 60,00 kr HIP 2 USB Cable 12in cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount Black USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805W2BKU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Black Angle Mini Mounting Bracket RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE-MINI 88,00 kr WAVE ID Black Angle Mini Mounting Bracket Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Lite V2 Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-8X581AKU 1 666,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Lite V2 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK AWID V2 Black RF IDEAS RDR-6912AKU-V2 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK AWID V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda JST TO AMP CABLE ASSEMBLY RF IDEAS CAB-00010 87,00 kr JST TO AMP CABLE ASSEMBLY Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Vinyl Badge Holder Vertical RF IDEAS BDG-506-N 8,00 kr Vinyl Badge Holder Vertical Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Black Surface Mount 5v ext p.s. RS-23 RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK8 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Black Surface Mount 5v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Virtual COM reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK0 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Virtual COM reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus CCID Surface Mount Black USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805W6AKU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Plus CCID Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile SP Keystroke HID Mobile Access & MI RF IDEAS RDR-30MH1CKU-MXS 3 051,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile SP Keystroke HID Mobile Access & MIFARE Secure Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II 30mil Card 1386 RF IDEAS BDG-1386-XXXX 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II 30mil Card 1386NGGNN Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus BLE Keystroking PA RF IDEAS RDR-30581BKU 2 246,00 kr pcProx Plus BLE Keystroking PACK ID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 PaperCut Black USB Reade RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKU-PPCT 1 930,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 PaperCut Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Bio SDK Badge & Finger RF IDEAS RDF-30542AKU 3 324,00 kr WAVE ID Bio SDK Badge & Fingerprint Combo Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID DuoProx II Composite ISO w RF IDEAS BDG-1536-CUST 81,00 kr HID DuoProx II Composite ISO w/Mag Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID Pro RF IDEAS RDR-60U1AKU 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID Prox Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HITAG1 RF IDEAS OEM-6H21AXU 1 828,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HITAG1 OEM USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II Card 1386LGGMV RF IDEAS BDG-1386-VSP 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II Card 1386LGGMV 26 bit H10301 FAC 190 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK LEGIC CSN Bla RF IDEAS RDR-7L12AKU 1 710,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK LEGIC CSN Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Retractable Badge Holder Clamp RF IDEAS BDG-525-TRK 28,00 kr Retractable Badge Holder Clamp, Translucent Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black TCP/IP Ethernet R RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKE 3 805,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black TCP/IP Ethernet Reader w/Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 9v Pin9 RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK6 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 9v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black 36in US RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKU-C36 1 863,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black 36in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Read RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK9 2 019,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 Card Cus RF IDEAS BDG-2000-CUST 58,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount IP67 Black 72 RF IDEAS KT-805W1BKU-C72-IP67 2 604,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount IP67 Black 72in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK Casi V2 Black RF IDEAS RDR-6212AKU-V2 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK Casi V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-1326-CUST 37,00 kr HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK w/iCLA RF IDEAS OEM-800N21KU-X 1 594,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK w/iCLASS SE & SEOS V2 module USB Reader without cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Tag 16k/2 2061PKSM RF IDEAS BDG-2061 88,00 kr HID iCLASS Tag 16k/2 2061PKSMN H10301 FC 216 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Mounting Kit for MFP RF IDEAS KT-SPMNT-2 68,00 kr Mounting Kit for MFP Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus w/iCLASS ID & Seos Ricoh Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-800R1AKU 2 391,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus w/iCLASS ID & Seos Ricoh Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader & 241 RF IDEAS KT-80531BKU4 3 570,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader & 241C Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader w/ mo RF IDEAS KT-80531BKU-5Y 2 051,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader w/ mountings 5yr warranty Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AWID Clamshell Card Custom Ord RF IDEAS BDG-PSC-1-A-CUST 34,00 kr AWID Clamshell Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SP Keystroke w/iC RF IDEAS RDR-800H1AKU-ICE 2 719,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SP Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black USB ICE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus 86 Series CCID Bl RF IDEAS RDR-80586AKU 1 144,00 kr WAVE ID Plus 86 Series CCID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 Black USB Keystroke Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKU 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 Black USB Keystroke Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 w/iCLASS S RF IDEAS RDR-800N2AK0 1 359,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Non-Enclosed USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus V2 Indala ASP-ABA TRACK 2 OC Blackÿ U RF IDEAS RDR-83X81AK0-11037 2 134,00 kr WAVE ID Plus V2 Indala ASP-ABA TRACK 2 OC Blackÿ USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black TCP/IP Ethernet Reader w/ RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKE 3 805,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black TCP/IP Ethernet Reader w/ Power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS I RF IDEAS RDR-80081AKU 2 208,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll w/ iCLASS ID Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Key 2k/2 Keyfob Cus RF IDEAS BDG-2050-CUST 76,00 kr HID iCLASS Key 2k/2 Keyfob Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Virt RF IDEAS KT-805W2BK0-IP67 1 774,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card RF IDEAS BDG-1336-CUST 80,00 kr HID DuoProx II ISO w/Mag Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM Keys RF IDEAS OEM-805N1AKW-06 1 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM Keystroke module no cable/beeper/connector Wiegand Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Pico module kit with Pico RF IDEAS KT-805N64KU-F01000 1 419,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Pico module kit with Pico Coil Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB RAC Micro USB to JST Cable RF IDEAS CAB-00020 58,00 kr USB RAC Micro USB to JST Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v Pin9 RS-2 RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK5-IP67 2 673,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Enroll Indala Hedengren RF IDEAS RDR-6381AKU-14389 2 027,00 kr pcProx Enroll Indala Hedengren Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Blac RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-C06 1 940,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black 16in USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKU-C16 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black 16in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano 13.56 MHz CSN OEM CCID Reader RF IDEAS OEM-7526AXU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano 13.56 MHz CSN OEM CCID Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 non-housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N2AK0 1 103,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK V2 non-housed USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AWID ISO 30mil Card 26 bit Cu RF IDEAS BDG-PSM-2P-A-CUST 64,00 kr AWID ISO 30mil Card 26 bit Custom Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black USB Virtual COM R RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK0 1 863,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Indala FlexCard Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-FLEXCARD-CUST 35,00 kr Indala FlexCard Clamshell Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK module USB reader RF IDEAS OEM-805N21KU-V3 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK module USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxKey III Keyfob 1346NNS RF IDEAS BDG-1346-XXXX 75,00 kr HID ProxKey III Keyfob 1346NNSNN Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Micro RF IDEAS OEM-805N23KU-X 1 125,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Micro module USB Reader without cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MIFARE DESFire EV1 8K card RF IDEAS BDG-DESFIRE 21,00 kr MIFARE DESFire EV1 8K card Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v ext p.s. RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK8-IP67 2 747,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Molex 150200165 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna RF IDEAS MISC-00056-3 59,00 kr Molex 150200165 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna 3_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Lite Keystroke MIFARE Secure Black RF IDEAS RDR-8XMH1AKU 1 568,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Lite Keystroke MIFARE Secure Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black TCP/IP Ether RF IDEAS KT-805W1BKE-P-IP67 5 415,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black TCP/IP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount Black USB Virtual C RF IDEAS RDR-805W2BK0 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK Surface Mount Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke MIFARE Secure Micro RF IDEAS OEM-80MN13KU-X 2 083,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke MIFARE Secure Micro module USB reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SP MIFARE Secure RF IDEAS RDR-80MH1AKU-LF 1 916,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SP MIFARE Secure LEAF USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke AWID V2 RF IDEAS RDR-6911AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke AWID V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HIP2 Mini-USB 12 in. Male w/St RF IDEAS CAB-00007 60,00 kr HIP2 Mini-USB 12 in. Male w/Strain Relief Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Seos Composite 30 m RF IDEAS BDG-5006-CUST 61,00 kr HID iCLASS Seos Composite 30 mil 8k Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx 13.56MHz SP MIFARE CSN RF IDEAS RDR-75H1AKU 1 147,00 kr pcProx 13.56MHz SP MIFARE CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 9v ext p.s. RS-23 RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK7 2 001,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 9v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Indala FlexTag Adhesive Tag C RF IDEAS BDG-FPTAG-CUST 50,00 kr Indala FlexTag Adhesive Tag Customer Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BKU 2 184,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black 16in RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-C16 1 940,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black 16in USB Keystroke Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke MIFARE Secure Micro RF IDEAS OEM-80MN13KU-C02U 2 083,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke MIFARE Secure Micro module 2in Micro USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II 30mil Card H103 RF IDEAS BDG-1386-H10304 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II 30mil Card H10304 FC 889 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC Stamp Segment V2 Blac RF IDEAS RDR-7L11CKO 2 348,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC Stamp Segment V2 Black Vertical Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM SDK RF IDEAS OEM-805N2AK5-07 1 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Embedded OEM SDK module no cable/connector 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox V2 B RF IDEAS RDR-6012AKU-V2 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS OEM-6022AXU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox Black Horizontal USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II Card 1386LGGMH RF IDEAS BDG-1386-SP 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II Card 1386LGGMH 26 bit H10301 FAC 190 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MyQ installation kit RF IDEAS KT-SP-MYQ 127,00 kr MyQ installation kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK EM V2 Black V RF IDEAS RDR-6E12AKU-V2 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK EM V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB CM Cable 6ft T-Drum Strai RF IDEAS CAB-NEWPROX-W-72 158,00 kr USB CM Cable 6ft T-Drum Strain Relief Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Retractable Badge Holder For S RF IDEAS BDG-525-TR 22,00 kr Retractable Badge Holder For Slotted Cards, Blue Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black Modbus TCPIP PoE RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKD-P 4 842,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black Modbus TCPIP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK5 2 001,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID MicroProx Tag 1391NSSNN Un RF IDEAS BDG-1391-XXXX 51,00 kr HID MicroProx Tag 1391NSSNN Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK8 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II Composite 30mil RF IDEAS BDG-1586-XXXX 75,00 kr HID ISOProx II Composite 30mil Card 1586NGGNN Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke CASI V2 RF IDEAS RDR-6211AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke CASI V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK 13.56MHz CSN RF IDEAS OEM-7522AXU 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK 13.56MHz CSN OEM USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Tag 2k/2 Custom Ord RF IDEAS BDG-2060-CUST 51,00 kr HID iCLASS Tag 2k/2 Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Mini Keystroke Black USB-A 16Ä ÿrea RF IDEAS RDR-30531EKU-C16 2 246,00 kr WAVE ID Nano CCID 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB-C Reader. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Enroll V2 Legic Secure RF IDEAS RDR-7LW1BKU 1 962,00 kr pcProx Enroll V2 Legic Secure Segment Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS & Seos Surface Mou RF IDEAS KT-800W1BKU-IP67 2 874,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS & Seos Surface Mount IP67 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus BLE Keystroking Sa RF IDEAS RDR-30581BKU-SFT 2 246,00 kr pcProx Plus BLE Keystroking Safetrust Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader w/ mo RF IDEAS KT-80531BKU 1 743,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black USB Reader w/ mountings Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Keystroke LEGIC Sec RF IDEAS RDR-7LH1BKU 1 962,00 kr WAVE ID SP Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Felica Light RC-S966 RF IDEAS BDG-FELICA LIGHT 18,00 kr Felica Light RC-S966 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB S RF IDEAS RDR-80032BKU 1 226,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini V3 iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB SDK Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black USB Rea RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKU 1 863,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MIFARE 1K ISO 30mil Card w/Ver RF IDEAS BDG-ISO-MIFARE-1K-V 21,00 kr MIFARE 1K ISO 30mil Card w/Vertical slot punch Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DES WAVE ID Solo Keystroke 13.56MHz CSN Papercut B RF IDEAS RDR-7581AKU-PPCT 1 163,00 kr DES WAVE ID Solo Keystroke 13.56MHz CSN Papercut Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Modbus POE Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKD-P 4 842,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black Modbus POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Prox C RF IDEAS BDG-2020-CUST 134,00 kr HID iCLASS 30mil 2k/2 w/Prox Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 White EtherNet/IP RF IDEAS KT-805W1BWB-P-IP67 5 570,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 White EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Black Mini Mounting Dual Lock Kit RF IDEAS KT-FLAT-MINI 37,00 kr WAVE ID Black Mini Mounting Dual Lock Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card RF IDEAS BDG-1326-XXXX 37,00 kr HID ProxCard II Clamshell Card 1326NMSNV Unprogrammed Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56MHz w/iCLASS SE & Seos RF IDEAS RDR-70U1AKU 1 986,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56MHz w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke RF IDEAS OEM-805N13KU-X 1 562,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke Micro module USB Reader without cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus V2 Black EtherNet/IP PoE Reader and K RF IDEAS KT-80581AKB-P-EVAL 2 627,00 kr WAVE ID Plus V2 Black EtherNet/IP PoE Reader and KT-HIDPROXPACK Cards Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB to JST Cable Assy. 6in. RF IDEAS CAB-00017 58,00 kr USB to JST Cable Assy. 6in. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano CCID 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB- RF IDEAS RDR-75U6AKU 1 261,00 kr WAVE ID Nano CCID 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v P/S2 RS-2 RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK2-IP67 2 410,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 5v P/S2 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Enroll Legic Secure Seg RF IDEAS RDR-7L81BKU 2 061,00 kr pcProx Enroll Legic Secure Segment Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 w/iC RF IDEAS RDR-800N1AK0-C16 2 134,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 w/iCLASS SE & Seos non-housed 16_ USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black 6in USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKU-C06 1 694,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke Black 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke Pico module kit with RF IDEAS KT-805N14KUF01002C12 1 653,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Keystroke Pico module kit with Pico Coil, 2_ Flex, and 12 Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SP Keystroke Blac RF IDEAS RDR-805H1AKU-X2 1 865,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SP Keystroke Black USB Reader Economy Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Pyramid Clamshell Card 26 bit RF IDEAS BDG-PSC-1-CUST 37,00 kr Pyramid Clamshell Card 26 bit Custom Format Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black Virtual COM reader RF IDEAS RDR-80532BK0 968,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black Virtual COM reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Composite 30mil 16k RF IDEAS BDG-2122-CUST 143,00 kr HID iCLASS Composite 30mil 16k/16 w/Prox Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke module USB reader w/ RF IDEAS OEM-805N11KU-V3-X 1 508,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke module USB reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ProxKey III Keyfob Custom RF IDEAS BDG-1346-CUST 75,00 kr HID ProxKey III Keyfob Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Micro RF IDEAS OEM-805N23KU 1 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Micro module USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Indala Flexpass Lite Black USB Virtua RF IDEAS RDR-83X31BK0-17531 2 134,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Indala Flexpass Lite Black USB Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Keystroke Ricoh SOP USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-30541BKU-RSOP 1 873,00 kr pcProx Plus BLE w/ iCLASS ID & SEOS Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 9v ext p.s. RF IDEAS KT-805W1BK7-IP67 2 747,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black 9v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus Enroll Indala John RF IDEAS RDR-83X81AK7-15652 2 284,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Indala John Deere Black 9v ext p.s. RS232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black EtherNet/IP RF IDEAS KT-805W1BKB-P-IP67 5 377,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount IP67 Black EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount White EtherNet/IP PoE R RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BWB-P 4 842,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount White EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black 16in USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80532BKU-C16 968,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK Black 16in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK non-housed Hi RF IDEAS RDR-805N2AKU-WM36 1 103,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK non-housed Hirose Connected PCBA USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo Keystroke LEGIC S RF IDEAS KT-7LW1BKU-IP67 2 706,00 kr WAVE ID Solo Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment Surface mount IP67 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Indala 27 bit Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-83X81AKU-10251 2 032,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Indala 27 bit Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK Indala V2 Bla RF IDEAS RDR-6312AKU-V2 1 065,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK Indala V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HIP 2 USB RAC MINI USB Cable RF IDEAS CAB-00003 60,00 kr HIP 2 USB RAC MINI USB Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID iCLASS Composite Card 2K + RF IDEAS BDG-2120-CUST 143,00 kr HID iCLASS Composite Card 2K + Prox Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC B RF IDEAS RDR-7L11BKU 2 061,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v Pin 9 RS-232 R RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK5 2 001,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v Pin 9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Desktop CCID and SDK Non-Keystroking Reader (with RF IDEAS RDR-80086AKU 1 359,00 kr Desktop CCID and SDK Non-Keystroking Reader (with FIDO2 support), iCLASS SE,É SeosÉ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Indala FlexKey Keyfob Custom O RF IDEAS BDG-FPKEY-CUST 60,00 kr Indala FlexKey Keyfob Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Mini SDK Black USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-30532DKU 1 256,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile Mini SDK Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB-C RF IDEAS RDR-75U2AKU 1 261,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK 13.56MHz CSN Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II 30mil Card Cust RF IDEAS BDG-1386-CUST 74,00 kr HID ISOProx II 30mil Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Keystroke HID Mobile Access Black U RF IDEAS RDR-30081CKU-MXS 2 665,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile Keystroke HID Mobile Access Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK OEM module 5v RF IDEAS OEM-805N2AK5-02 1 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK OEM module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader (with no cabling) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Molex 150200163 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna RF IDEAS MISC-00056-2 56,00 kr Molex 150200163 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna 2_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus Enroll BLK USB RF IDEAS RDR-80581AKU 1 985,00 kr pcProx Plus Enroll Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Casi Format Clamshell Card 132 RF IDEAS BDG-1326-CX 62,00 kr Casi Format Clamshell Card 1326CGSMV Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Analyze Kit RF IDEAS KT-8XX88AQU-C16 2 849,00 kr WAVE ID Analyze Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Black Angle Mini Mounting Bracket W/Cable RF IDEAS KT-ANGLE-MINI+CLIPS 115,00 kr WAVE ID Black Angle Mini Mounting Bracket W/Cable Clips Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SP Lite Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-8X5H1AKU 1 912,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SP Lite Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke EM410x RF IDEAS RDR-6E11AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke EM410x V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 12 ____ USB Male Cable w/Right RF IDEAS CAB-HPN-RAC 71,00 kr 12 ____ USB Male Cable w/Right Angle Connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Vinyl Badge Holder Horizontal RF IDEAS BDG-506-T1 8,00 kr Vinyl Badge Holder Horizontal Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BK9 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v PS/2 RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK2 2 073,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 5v PS/2 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus LEGIC Secure Segment Ricoh Jet Bla RF IDEAS RDR-80LR1BKU 2 097,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus LEGIC Secure Segment Ricoh Jet Black USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Lite Mini Keystroke MIFARE Secure USB RF IDEAS RDR-8XM31AKU 1 568,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Lite Mini Keystroke MIFARE Secure USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID MicroProx Tag Custom Order RF IDEAS BDG-1391-CUST 51,00 kr HID MicroProx Tag Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus SP Legic Secure Se RF IDEAS RDR-80LH1BKU 2 556,00 kr pcProx Plus SP Legic Secure Segment Jet Black USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID Pro RF IDEAS RDR-6011AKU-V2 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID Prox V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 9v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS RDR-80531BK7 2 001,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Black 9v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID ISOProx II Composite 30mil RF IDEAS BDG-1586-CUST 75,00 kr HID ISOProx II Composite 30mil Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox Blac RF IDEAS RDR-60U2AKU 1 261,00 kr WAVE ID Nano SDK HID Prox Black Vertical USB-C Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56 M RF IDEAS OEM-7521AXU 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke 13.56 MHz CSN OEM USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HID MIFARE 1K/Prox 30mil Card RF IDEAS BDG-1431-CUST 81,00 kr HID MIFARE 1K/Prox 30mil Card Custom Order Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo Keystroke V2 LEGI RF IDEAS RDR-7L81AKU-C06 1 962,00 kr WAVE ID Solo Keystroke V2 LEGIC CSN Black USB Reader - 6_ USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda IB-968 Pre-programmed passive RF IDEAS BDG-COTAG 21,00 kr IB-968 Pre-programmed passive proximity card Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black TCP/IP Ethernet P RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKE-P 4 525,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black TCP/IP Ethernet PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Micro module USB Reader RF IDEAS OEM-805N13K0 1 460,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 Micro module USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TagworX Base (annual, 5 users), Per Year WORX SOFTWARE TW-BASE 29 249,00 kr TagworX Base - minimum criteria - per year, price for 5 named users and 5 unique devices. Access to portal, app and processes exc orders module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TagworX Stock Check module. WORX SOFTWARE TW-STOCK 1 803,00 kr TagworX Stock Check module. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Professional Service customisation/training daily WORX SOFTWARE TW-SERVICES 9 847,00 kr Professional Services (Consultation. Training) cost is per day Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TagworX real-time Orders module per user WORX SOFTWARE TW-ORDERS 1 755,00 kr TW-Orders - order picking additonal module to be purchased in multiple of names users Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TagwowX Additional Users (annual), Per Year WORX SOFTWARE TW-USER 3 510,00 kr TagwowX - User - To add additional users per year - price per user per year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Studio PRO Perpetual SYSDEV KAL401 23 880,00 kr Kalipso Studio PRO Perpetual (1 x license with no expiration date) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Software free version update contract SYSDEV KAL429 6 000,00 kr Kalipso Software free version update contract + icon sets bundles + Phone and Email Support 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Personalized Training Day at Sysdev SYSDEV KAL423 6 000,00 kr Kalipso Personalized Training Day at Sysdev Headquarters or Online (3:30 + 3:30 Hrs.) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Kalipso Studio Subscription 12 Months SYSDEV KAL404 11 880,00 kr Kalipso Studio Subscription 12 Months (Includes: 1 Kalipso Studio Subscription License, Phone and email support contract, Software free version update contract + icon sets bundles) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Flexipole Backplate Æ Move5000 HAVIS CST00200 154,00 kr Flexipole Backplate Æ Move5000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS 6in RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-V2-C06 1 986,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS 6in Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK iClass ID/SE/SEOS 16in Black RF IDEAS RDR-80032BKU-V2-C16 1 264,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK iClass ID/SE/SEOS 16in Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC Stamp Segment OEM USB RF IDEAS OEM-7L21BXU 2 214,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke LEGIC Stamp Segment OEM USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-80032BKU-V2 1 264,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS 16in RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-V2-C16 1 986,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS 16in Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Module Virtual COM reader w/o RF IDEAS OEM-805N11K0-V3-X 1 562,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Module Virtual COM reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power supply cable: C13 female straight - SCHUKO KEONN PCBL-PWR-C13FST-SCHK 50,00 kr Power supply cable: C13 female straight - SCHUKO Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount RF IDEAS RDR-800W2BKU 1 391,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus 82 Series Wllmount RF IDEAS RDR-805W2AKU 1 103,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series Wallmount Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Dual Suction Cup Mount Æ VESA 75 HAVIS WIN-104 879,00 kr Dual Suction Cup Mount Æ VESA 75 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Rugged Cradle For Dell Latitude 5285 / HP El HAVIS UT-2010 2 348,00 kr Havis Rugged Cradle For Dell Latitude 5285 / HP Elite X2 / Zebra RT12 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Replacement cable for LPS-142 HAVIS HW-EL-0098 1 161,00 kr Replacement cable for LPS-142 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Phone Cradle & Cup Holder Mount HAVIS PKG-CUP-101 924,00 kr Phone Cradle & Cup Holder Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HAVIS Overhead Forklift Mount With Heavy-Duty Dual HAVIS MH-1014 2 108,00 kr HAVIS Overhead Forklift Mount With Heavy-Duty Dual Ball Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 w/o Rugged Bo HAVIS PKG-DS-ZEB-602 1 062,00 kr Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 w/o Rugged Boot - USB-C cable and cigarette lighter adapter included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 w/o Rugged Bo HAVIS DS-ZEB-602 833,00 kr Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 w/o Rugged Boot - USB-C cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Rugged Cradle For Dell 5430 And 7330 Rugged HAVIS UT-1007 2 689,00 kr Havis Rugged Cradle For Dell 5430 And 7330 Rugged Notebooks Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 with Rugged B HAVIS PKG-DS-ZEB-601 1 185,00 kr Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 with Rugged Boot - USB-C cable and cigarette lighter adapter included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 with Rugged B HAVIS DS-ZEB-601 833,00 kr Rugged Charging Holder for TC22/TC27 with Rugged Boot - USB-C cable included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal FlexiPole Backplate for Pax A920 Payment Ter HAVIS CST00185 615,00 kr ENS Metal Backplate PAX A920 for Flexipole stand Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined re KEONN ADAN-CP11EU-FLSMA200 1 070,00 kr Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined reading area ETSI frequency band, small white cover, flange SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - KEONN ADCBSMAMSTSMAMST17 227,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 17 feet (5,2 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADAN-P11EUFR90SMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with KEONN ADPL-3SP12-EU-100 20 023,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with 3 antennas, ETSI frequency band.Not included: screen and barcode scannerÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - KEONN ADCBSMAMSTLMR240SMAM 252,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 25 feet (7,5 m), LMR240 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ET KEONN ADGOIFWM-702SP1EU100 16 567,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band._x000D_ Includes internal furniture, reader, 2 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined re KEONN ADAN-CP11US-FLSMA200 1 070,00 kr Advantenna-CP11: RFID UHF antenna with confined reading area FCC frequency band, small white cover, flange SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna KEONN ADANSP11EUE67SMA-100 1 749,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna-ETSI frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ET KEONN ADGOFWM70-2SP11EU100 18 959,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band. Includes furniture, reader, 2 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna KEONN ADAN-P11EU-E67SMA200 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna.ETSI frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK Non-Housed Virtual COM Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805N2BK0 4 573,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK Non-Housed Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed Black 5 RF IDEAS RDR-800N1BK8 9 279,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed Black 5v ext ps RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount w/iCLASS SE & Seos Blac RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BK5 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 5v Pin 9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM Keystroke module UART reader w/o RF IDEAS OEM-805N11KV-V3-X 1 508,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM Keystroke module UART reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Blac RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BK9 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 5v Pin RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK5 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 5v Pin 9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Vir RF IDEAS RDR-80032BK0 1 264,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Virtual Com Reader _x000D_ _x000D_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Non-Housed JST connector US RF IDEAS RDR-805N1BKU-JST 7 058,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Non-Housed JST connector USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed Virtual RF IDEAS RDR-800N1BK0 2 184,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Blac RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BK0 2 184,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black Virtual Com Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Blac RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-V2-5Y 2 766,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB Reader 5Y warranty Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK OneView Health Indala Non-Housed RF IDEAS RDR-805N2BKU-C16-060 4 573,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK OneView Health Indala Non-Housed 16in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Blac RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BK8 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black 5v ext ps RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Non-Housed USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805N1BKU 7 058,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke Non-Housed USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Virtual RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK0 1 986,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Virtual Com Reader _x000D_ _x000D_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID iCLASS SE & Seos John D RF IDEAS RDR-7011AKU-091 2 032,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke HID iCLASS SE & Seos John Deere Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Nano SAM Card, MIFARE Secure Memory RF IDEAS KT-4FFSIM-AV2 437,00 kr Nano SAM Card, MIFARE Secure Memory Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 5v USB pwr t RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK9 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 5v USB pwr tap RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed JST Con RF IDEAS RDR-800N1B-2-JST 9 279,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed JST Connector 5v RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Blac RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKU-V2 1 986,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK Non-Housed 6in USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805N2BKU-C06 4 573,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK Non-Housed 6in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Non-Hous RF IDEAS RDR-800N2BK0 5 248,00 kr WAVE ID Plus SDK w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black Non-Housed Virtual COM Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS John RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKUC118-090 1 873,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS John Deere Black 118in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Blac RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BK7 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black 9v ext ps RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Non-Housed No Connector 5v RS-232 Rea RF IDEAS RDR-805N1B-2 8 594,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Non-Housed No Connector 5v RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke PaperCut Black USB Rea RF IDEAS RDR-80531BKU-PPCT 1 755,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke PaperCut Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 9v ext RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK7 2 330,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 9v ext p.s. RS-232 Reader _x000D_ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed No Conn RF IDEAS RDR-800N1B-2 2 198,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS SE & Seos Non-Housed No Connector 5v RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cable for IP67 kit RF IDEAS CAB-00013_1 60,00 kr Cable for IP67 kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DEVMT,ULTM,UNVMT,W-LOCK HAVIS UT-1001 2 861,00 kr DEVMT,ULTM,UNVMT,W-LOCK Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cradle For Dell 5430, 7330, 5420, 5424 & 7424 Note HAVIS DS-DELL-423 4 278,00 kr Cradle For Dell 5430, 7330, 5420, 5424 & 7424 Notebooks Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer CL4NX 203, configured for KEONN ADPRSATOWWCLP172ZNAR 36 099,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer CL4NX 203, configured for AdvanCloud Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12USFR270SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11EUFR180SMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cable adapter for connecting AdvanMux and AdvanPha KEONN ADCBIMPSRADMX110 126,00 kr Cable adapter for connecting AdvanMux and AdvanPhaser 110 series to:_x000D_ Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 and R220_x000D_ ThingMagic Mercury 6 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11EUERFLSMA100 1 511,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, with rear enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16USELSMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Barcode scanner KEONN PBRDUNITECHMS339 1 469,00 kr Barcode scanner Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZQ630 plus, Europe KEONN ADPRZEBRAGBZQ63RUWAE 18 120,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZQ630 plus, Europe Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP13USFR270SMA200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ FCC f KEONN ADANP11US1EC45FLSMA2 1 035,00 kr Antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGOFWM1604SP11US100 23 744,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes furniture, reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Desktop mount kit for for fixing system covers 160 KEONN ADHSCDFR160X160X63 784,00 kr Desktop mount kit for for fixing system covers 160x160 mm, 63 mm height Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x0 KEONN ADANSP11US1EC45FLSMA 1 525,00 kr High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11USPRMSMA1100 856,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16USFR90SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power supply cable: C13 female straight - UK plug KEONN PCBLPWRC13FSTUKMST00 71,00 kr Power supply cable: C13 female straight - UK plug male straight - 200 cm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPaint: shielding paint (bottle of 5 litres) KEONN ADPTPA0015 2 854,00 kr AdvanPaint: shielding paint (bottle of 5 litres) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP14EUFR90SMA200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, FCC frequency ba KEONN ADANP11USEFFLSMA200 1 070,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, FCC frequency band, white cover, flange straight SMA connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal KEONN ADPL10TB4SP11EU100 15 489,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12:RFID UHF high gain antenna.ETSI fr KEONN ADANSP12EUPRMSMA1100 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna. ETSI freq band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP22USFR90SMA200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 50 cm length KEONN PCBLUTPCAT6SWH50 17,00 kr UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 50 cm length Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP14USFR90SMA200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11USFR270SMA200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RFID UHF tag: 1020885 tag, Monza 730, paper tag KEONN PTAGPBT1020885M730 1,00 kr RFID UHF tag: 1020885 tag, Monza 730, paper tag Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Ribbon for Zebra ZD500R and ADRB-ZEBRA- ZD621R, KEONN ADRBZEB05095GS11007 112,00 kr Ribbon for Zebra ZD500R and ADRB-ZEBRA- ZD621R, 110 mm x74 mm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA con KEONN ADMX4130 1 077,00 kr AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA connectors_x000D_ Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12EUFR180SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ ETSI KEONN ADANP11EU1EC45FLSMA2 1 035,00 kr Antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCl KEONN ADSNCHWC72002EU 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12USPRMSMA1100 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP33USFR270SMA200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, pencil beam shape_x000D_ FCC freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj GPIO adapter for Speedway Antenna Hub: IPJ- KEONN PMUXIMPA6051000 2 169,00 kr Impinj GPIO adapter for Speedway Antenna Hub: IPJ-A6051-000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16EUFR90SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda External label roll holder for 76mm inner roll dia KEONN ADPRELRH76MM001 616,00 kr External label roll holder for 76mm inner roll diametres Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12USFR180SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11EUFLSMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector, with 10kO resistor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12USPSOSMA1100 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, straight SMA female connector over antenna Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11EUEFLSMA100 2 141,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, with enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP13EUFR180SMA200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11EUFRSMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ET KEONN ADGOFWM1604SP11EU100 23 744,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band. Includes furniture, reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Glue for AdvanFilm (in litres) KEONN ADFMRES2X1 87,00 kr Glue for AdvanFilm (in litres) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11EUPSOSMA1100 856,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, straight SMA female connector over antenna Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11USEFLSMA100 2 141,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, with enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16USFR270SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power supply cable: C13 female straight - SCHUKO m KEONN PCBLPWRC13FSTSCHUKOM 50,00 kr Power supply cable: C13 female straight - SCHUKO male right angle - 200 cm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPaint: shielding paint (bottle of 1 litre) KEONN ADPTPA0011 686,00 kr AdvanPaint: shielding paint (bottle of 1 litre) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP14EUFR180SMA200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna_x000D_ FCC freque KEONN ADANP11USE67SMA200 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. KEONN ADGOIFWM1604SP11EU10 20 904,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band._x000D_ Includes internal furniture, reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11USPSOSMA1100 856,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, straight SMA female connector over antenna Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP22EUFR90SMA200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 200 cm length KEONN PCBLUTPCAT6SWH200 39,00 kr UTP cable, Cat.6, snagless, white, 200 cm length Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP14USFR270SMA200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated270 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11USFR180SMA200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RFID UHF tag: Roll of 1000 x 1020885 tag, Monza 73 KEONN PROLLPBT1020885002 476,00 kr RFID UHF tag: Roll of 1000 x 1020885 tag, Monza 730, paper tag. Converted for its use with Zebra ZD500R and ZD621R Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFEU120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions. Flush mount, ETSI frequency band. PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCl KEONN ADSN-CHW-C5-002-EU 7 640,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud. Includes Android terminal. 2D Barcode scanner, 4G/Dual-band WiFi, , IP65. Single charging cradle. ETSI frequency band - EU power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12USE67SMA100 2 267,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil KEONN ADANP33EUFR90SMA200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF high gain antenna, pencil beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Antenna Hub: IPJ-A6001-000 KEONN PMUXIMPA6001000 3 834,00 kr Impinj Antenna Hub: IPJ-A6001-000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16EUFR270SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-16: RFID UHF multiplexer, 16 ports, SMA c KEONN ADMX16E130 2 267,00 kr AdvanMux-16: RFID UHF multiplexer, 16 ports, SMA connectors_x000D_ Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11USFRSMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, with 10kO resistor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-8: RFID UHF multiplexer, 8 ports, SMA con KEONN ADMX8130 1 329,00 kr AdvanMux-8: RFID UHF multiplexer, 8 ports, SMA connectors_x000D_ Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12EUFR90SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna ETSI frequency ba KEONN ADANP11EUE67SMA200 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-P11: RFID UHF antenna ETSI frequency band, with IP67 enclosure Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12USPROSMA1100 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x KEONN ADANSP11EU4EC45FLSMA 4 659,00 kr High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printed circuit board mounted for AdvanModule carr KEONN PPCBADMDM6EM10 3 344,00 kr Printed circuit board mounted for AdvanModule carrier board based on M6E-M module, series 10 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer CT4LX 203 dpi, configured KEONN ADPRSATOWWCT03242ZNA 21 688,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer CT4LX 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12USFR90SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11EUFR270SMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ ETSI freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Encoding of RFID tags in paper format. Codificatio KEONN CONF-PTAG-P-0010 0,00 kr Encoding of RFID tags in paper format. Codification to be defined Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFilm: shielding film (per square metre) KEONN ADFM0011MWH 1 053,00 kr AdvanFilm: shielding film (per square metre) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11EUPROSMA1100 856,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Adaptation, upload and verification of content to KEONN ADSR-CONT 9 445,00 kr Adaptation, upload and verification of content to AdvanCloud Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16USFR180SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 deg Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power supply cable: C13 female straight - L plug m KEONN PCBLPWRC13FSTI3GMST0 85,00 kr Power supply cable: C13 female straight - L plug male straight - 250 cm Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP13USFR90SMA200 1 222,00 kr Advantenna-p13: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Antenna array for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D KEONN ADANP11US4EC45FLSMA2 3 190,00 kr Antenna array for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGOFWM702SP11US100 18 959,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes furniture, reader, 2 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-16: RFID UHF multiplexer, 16 ports, SMA c KEONN ADMX16130 1 707,00 kr AdvanMux-16: RFID UHF multiplexer, 16 ports, SMA connectors_x000D_ Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x KEONN ADANSP11US4EC45FLSMA 4 659,00 kr High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP11USPROSMA1100 856,00 kr Advantenna-SP11: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, right angle SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shap KEONN ADANP22EUEMSMA200 1 750,00 kr Advantenna-p22: RFID UHF antenna, pencil beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, edge mount SMA female connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x KEONN ADANP14USFR180SMA200 1 700,00 kr Advantenna-p14: RFID UHF antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11USFLSMA210 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC frequency band, flange straight SMA female connector, with 10kO resistor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Android screen of 10__ for professional applicatio KEONN PCMP-TAB-ELO-IS4-10V 8 969,00 kr Android screen of 10__ for professional applications, HD, Ethernet, USB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, configur KEONN ADPRZEGBZD6A14230EF 11 306,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud, GlobaL frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system wit KEONN ADSFOMSEU22200 20 300,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering.Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI freq band, white colour,PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12EUPRO180SMA1 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, right angle SMA connector over antenna, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP33EUFR270SMA200 2 582,00 kr Advantenna-p33: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, pencil beam shape_x000D_ ETSI freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UTP cable, Cat. 6, snagless, white, 500 cm length KEONN PCBLUTPCAT6SWH500 83,00 kr UTP cable, Cat. 6, snagless, white, 500 cm length Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan be KEONN ADANP16EUFR180SMA200 2 330,00 kr Advantenna-p16: RFID UHF high gain antenna, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP11USFR90SMA200 491,00 kr Advantenna-p11: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor_x000D_ FCC freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 90 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA con KEONN ADMX4E130 1 707,00 kr AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA connectors_x000D_ Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor KEONN ADANP12EUFR270SMA200 944,00 kr Advantenna-p12: RFID UHF antenna, thin form factor, fan beam shape_x000D_ ETSI freq band, flange right angle SMA female connector, rotated 270 deg counterclockwise Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Antenna array for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D KEONN ADANP11EU4EC45FLSMA2 3 190,00 kr Antenna array for AdvanTrack-500, 4 elements_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ KEONN ADANSP12USPRO180SMA1 1 385,00 kr Advantenna-SP12: RFID UHF high gain antenna_x000D_ FCC frequency band, right angle SMA connector over antenna, rotated 180 degrees Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x0 KEONN ADANSP11EU1EC45FLSMA 1 525,00 kr High gain antenna for AdvanTrack-500, 1 element_x000D_ ETSI frequency band, flange straight SMA female connectors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Spitz GL-X750V2 - Smart 4G LTE router, dual band, KEONN PNETROUT4GSPITZGLX75 3 260,00 kr Spitz GL-X750V2 - Smart 4G LTE router, dual band, 2.4GHz, 5GHz, global version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Pico module kit with Pico RF IDEAS KT-805N64NU-F01000 1 307,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 CCID Pico module kit with Pico Coil Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Indala Flexpass Lite Bla RF IDEAS RDR-83X81AKU-17531 2 106,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke V2 Indala Flexpass Lite Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader with 72 RF IDEAS RDR-805H1AKU-X-C72 1 879,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader with 72_ USB Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile OEM Keystroke module USB Reader wit RF IDEAS OEM-305N11KU-V3 2 032,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile OEM Keystroke module USB Reader with cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda OEM USB keyboard wedge to RS232 adapter RF IDEAS OEM-USB2RS232 2 751,00 kr OEM USB keyboard wedge to RS232 adapter Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RFID UHF tag: 1020768A tag, Monza 730, paper tag KEONN PTAG-P-BT1020768A 1,00 kr RFID UHF tag: 1020768A tag, Monza 730, paper tag Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/ iCLASS ID Surface Mount Black TCP/ RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BKE-P 4 738,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/ iCLASS ID Surface Mount Black TCP/IP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke MIFARE Secure Ricoh SOP USB RF IDEAS RDR-80M41AKU-RSOP 1 873,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke MIFARE Secure Ricoh SOP USB Reader with Removeable Hinge Cover Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL-10T-B-4SP12-EU 33 497,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader, 4 antennas and RF cables reader, 4 antennas and RF cables Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRA-ZT41142 22 261,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud.Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Ribbon for RFID ADRB-ZEBRA- printer ZT410 and ZT41 KEONN ADRB-ZEBRA-05095BK 504,00 kr Ribbon for RFID ADRB-ZEBRA- printer ZT410 and ZT411 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Forklift Printer Pillar Mount For Brother RuggedJe HAVIS MH-3004 1 560,00 kr Forklift Printer Pillar Mount For Brother RuggedJet 4200 Series Printer Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black EtherNet/IP PoE R RF IDEAS RDR-805W1BKB-P 4 674,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Black EtherNet/IP PoE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda USB 2.0 TYPE A MALE TO JST W/ T-DRUM HALOGEN FREE RF IDEAS CAB-00013-36 60,00 kr USB 2.0 TYPE A MALE TO JST W/ T-DRUM HALOGEN FREE CABLE ASSEMBLY, Cable Length: 36inch Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate-200: master unit, single sided, ETSI fre KEONN ADGT-MSEU-WH-200 20 610,00 kr AdvanGate-200: master unit, single sided, ETSI frequency band, White Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate-200: slave unit, single sided, ETSI freq KEONN ADGT-SSEU-WH-200 11 963,00 kr AdvanGate-200: slave unit, single sided, ETSI frequency band, White Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF adapter: SMA female straight to Rev TNC male st KEONN ADAD-SMAFST-RTNCMST 50,00 kr RF adapter: SMA female straight to Rev TNC male straight Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - KEONN ADCSMAMSTLM240SMMS25 290,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 25 feet (7,5 m), LMR240 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HUB MOUNTING PLATE MOUNT, DM-1000 STAND TO HP ENGA HAVIS 367-5873-2 892,00 kr Isolated 100 Watt Power Supply Used For 12-32 VDC Input Vehicle With DS-DELL-900/1100 & PKG-DELL-1000/1200 Series Docking Stations, 335 Eur per Unit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Isolated 100 Watt Power Supply Used For 12-32 VDC HAVIS LPS-186 4 938,00 kr Isolated 100 Watt Power Supply Used For 12-32 VDC Input Vehicle With DS-DELL-900/1100 & PKG-DELL-1000/1200 Series Docking Stationsÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ =ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ±335 per unit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID On-Premise Setup Fee RF IDEAS CID-OP-SETUP 41 233,00 kr ConvergeID On-Premise Setup Fee Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier RF IDEAS CID-P-P-101-250 481,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25-Pack RF IDEAS CID-P-P-25 506,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25-Pack Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier RF IDEAS CID-P-P-251-500 458,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501+ Tier RF IDEAS CID-P-P-501+ 427,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501+ Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier - On RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 101-250 481,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier - On RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 101-250MY 481,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 101-250 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25 - On Prem 1 RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 25 506,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25 - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier - RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 251-500 458,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier - RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 251-500MY 458,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 251 -500 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25 - On Prem Mult RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 25MY 506,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 25 - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501 - Tier - On RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 500+ 427,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501 - Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501 - Tier - On RF IDEAS CID-P-P-OP 500+MY 427,00 kr ConvergeID Passwordless Platform 501 - Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID Private Cloud Setup Fee RF IDEAS CID-PRICLOUD-SETUP 10 700,00 kr ConvergeID Private Cloud Setup Fee Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier RF IDEAS CID-SSO-101-250 241,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 25-Pack RF IDEAS CID-SSO-25 252,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 25-Pack Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier RF IDEAS CID-SSO-251-500 229,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier RF IDEAS CID-SSO-501+ 214,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier - On Prem 1 Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-101-250 241,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-101-250MY 241,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 101-250 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 25 - On Prem 1 Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-25 252,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 25 - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier - On Prem 1 Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-250-500 229,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-250-500MY 229,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 251-500 Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 25 - On Prem Multi-Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-25MY 252,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 25 - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier - On Prem 1 Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-501+ 214,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier - On Prem = 1 Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier - On Prem Multi-Year RF IDEAS CID-SSO-OP-501+MY 214,00 kr ConvergeID SSO 501+ Tier - On Prem Multi-Year Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Docking Station For Zebra 8? & 10? ET4X Tablets Wi HAVIS DS-ZEB-304-AC 6 769,00 kr Docking Station For Zebra 8? & 10? ET4X Tablets With Advanced Port Replication For External Power Supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Pico module kit with Pico RF IDEAS KT-805N24KU-F01000 1 307,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V2 SDK Pico module kit with Pico Coil Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Molex 150200171 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna RF IDEAS MISC-00056-6 151,00 kr Molex 150200171 Type A Flex cable for Pico antenna 6 inch. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM w/iCLASS SE & Seos module 5v Pin9 RF IDEAS OEM-800N11K5-V3 2 231,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM w/iCLASS SE & Seos module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, seconda KEONN ADGT-SDEU-P13-WH-100 12 033,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided.Includes 1 white pedestal with antennas and RF cables. ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for Ad KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD40TC21EU 20 610,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and craddle_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scan KEONN ADSNTSL1128USBT 11 264,00 kr TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scanner and gun handle_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charging dock station for Robin-200 KEONN ADRTCHD002 37 638,00 kr Charging dock station for Robin-200 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUUA120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Ukraine frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-10: smart recommendation system for reta KEONN ADLK10TWLTUS100 14 356,00 kr AdvanLook-10: smart recommendation system for retail stores, 10__ touch screen, desktop_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, sec KEONN ADFT16TSUS200 21 408,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, secondary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16___x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA female straight KEONN ADCBSMAMSTSMAFST2 108,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA female straight - 2 feet (0,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 8 KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLI8G01 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 8 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (PRC Band) KEONN ADSNTSL1128CNBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (PRC Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUIN120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, India frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFKR120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Korea frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF load, SMA male straight, 50 ohm, 2 W (33 dBm) KEONN ADLDSMAMST502W 67,00 kr RF load, SMA male straight, 50 ohm, 2 W (33 dBm) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMSUSP13BK100 18 833,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST7 144,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 7 feet (2,1 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF adapter: SMA female straight to SMA female stra KEONN ADADSMAFSTSMAFST 50,00 kr RF adapter: SMA female straight to SMA female straight Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, seconda KEONN ADGTSDEUP13BK100 12 033,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with antennas and RF cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTLMR240RT30 315,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 30 feet (9,1 m), LMR240 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: reverse SMA male straight - reverse SMA KEONN ADCBRSMAMSTRSMAMT12P 154,00 kr RF cable: reverse SMA male straight - reverse SMA male straight - 12ft - LMR100, with individual packaging Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ThingMagic M6e-M reader module KEONN THINGMM6EM 2 966,00 kr ThingMagic M6e-M reader module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Zebra RFD8500 UHF RFID Sled - EU KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD8500EU 16 539,00 kr Zebra RFD8500 UHF RFID Sled - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1153 handheld reader, with barcode scanner _x0 KEONN ADSNTSL1153USBT 12 635,00 kr TSL 1153 handheld reader, with barcode scanner _x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ O KEONN ADSFOMCEU100 18 008,00 kr AdvanSafe RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated a KEONN ADRDM1CP11US70 8 241,00 kr AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated antenna and confined field, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail sto KEONN ADMR43TEU300 66 938,00 kr AdvanMirror: RFID smart mirror, 43__ touch screen, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, sec KEONN ADFT21TSEU200 24 976,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, secondary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 21___x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable for AdvanTrack-500 overhead system, LMR 2 KEONN ADCBTNCMSTLMR240TNCM 308,00 kr RF cable for AdvanTrack-500 overhead system, LMR 240, 33 feet (10 metres) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RFID UHF tag: Roll of 500 x 1020768A tag, Monza 73 KEONN PROLLPBT1020768A002 476,00 kr RFID UHF tag: Roll of 500 x 1020768A tag, Monza 730, paper tag.Converted for its use with Zebra ZD500R and ZD621R Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPod 7th gen KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLIPOD7G0 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPod 7th gen Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with gun handle. I KEONN ADSNTSL1128EUBTA1 10 634,00 kr TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with gun handle. Imager not included. _x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUMA120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Moroccan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFMY120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Malaysia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 21__ touc KEONN ADLF21TEU400 31 608,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 21__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Japan ban KEONN ADSNTSL1128JPBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Japan band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOSSEUP33100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ Pencil beam shape Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFTH120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Thailand frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated anten KEONN ADPYCDUS10 5 121,00 kr AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated antenna and confined reading area _x000D_ Desktop mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, s KEONN ADGTSDUSP13EL100 5 737,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes antennas, RF cables of 5 metres, LED strips, LED cables_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMDEUP13BK100 21 478,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male stra KEONN ADCBSMAMRARTNCMST5 139,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male straight - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for Ad KEONN ADSNZEBRARFDTC20US 14 356,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and craddle_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1166 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (FCC Band), 2D imager KEONN ADSNTSL1166USBT 17 952,00 kr TSL 1166 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (FCC Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ O KEONN ADSFOMCUS100 18 008,00 kr AdvanSafe RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: RFID UHF high performance USB read KEONN ADRDM1EUS10 3 400,00 kr AdvanReader-10: RFID UHF high performance USB reader with enclosure and integrated antenna, FCC band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cutter module for ZT610 KEONN ADPRZEBRAP1083320134 7 584,00 kr Cutter module for ZT610 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL10TB2SP12EU100 28 082,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader, 2 antennas and RF cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, primary unit, ceiling KEONN ADFTMCUS200 17 448,00 kr AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, primary unit, ceiling mount, US version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 750mW, configured for A KEONN ADSNTSL1128M031US 16 217,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 750mW, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and two rechargers_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCl KEONN ADSNCHWC72001HK 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ Includes Android terminal: Android 8.1, Octa-core, 3Gb Ram, 32Gb Rom, Full HD 5.2_ screen_x000D_ 2D Barcode scanner, 4G/Dual-band WiFi, 8000mAh battery, IP65_x000D_ Single charging cradle_x Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated anten KEONN ADPYCFUS10 5 121,00 kr AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated antenna and confined reading area _x000D_ Flush mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFBR120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Brazil frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p12 KEONN ADHDADANP12100 280,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p12 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMDUSP13BK100 21 478,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right an KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMRA1 113,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right angle - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, KEONN ADST10TUS210 18 008,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, with 10__ screen_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Ban KEONN ADSNTSL2128PEUBT 16 091,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOMSEUP33100 16 441,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ Pencil beam shape_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated a KEONN ADRDM1P11US70 8 241,00 kr AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated antenna and unconfined field, 1 port, FCC frequency band._x000D_ PoE injector not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, with rewinder, KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41142T4E0 19 939,00 kr AdvanPrint: Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, with rewinder, without RFID Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL10TB4SP12US100 33 497,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader and 4 antennas_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGO1604SP11US100 15 685,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Ov KEONN ADFLOMSEU22300 18 260,00 kr AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCURU120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Russia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, with WiF KEONN ADPR-ZEBRA-AP-ZD6A14 13 027,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, with WiFi, configured for AdvanCloud, Asia-Pacific Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGOIFWM1604SP11US10 20 904,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes internal furniture, reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 32__ touc KEONN ADLF32TUS400 37 778,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 32__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, pri KEONN ADFT16TMEU200 30 601,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, primary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16___x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST3 126,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Speedway Revolution R220 US KEONN IMPSPR220US 12 453,00 kr Impinj Speedway Revolution R220 US Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: accessory mount for Moto G31 pop loq KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLAMG31 979,00 kr AdvanScan: accessory mount for Moto G31 pop loq Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Wand reader, with imager, smartphone no KEONN ADSNCHWR2IMEU 6 254,00 kr AdvanScan: Wand reader, with imager, smartphone not included_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUAU120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Australia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-170: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFEU170 9 585,00 kr AdvanPay-170: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area, hard tag detacher and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, white, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p16 KEONN ADHDADANP16100 427,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p16 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMSEUP12EL100 12 593,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strips, cables for loudspeaker_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST1 108,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, primary u KEONN ADTROMCUS50 10 956,00 kr AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, primary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply for 2136 4-Slot EasyPack Battery Char KEONN ADSNTSL2136014WMSCHG 4 981,00 kr Power Supply for 2136 4-Slot EasyPack Battery Charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system wit KEONN ADSFOSCEU22200 9 948,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band, white colour Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: slim line grip for TSL 1128 KEONN ADSNTSL1128SLG 546,00 kr AdvanScan: slim line grip for TSL 1128 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated a KEONN ADRDM2P11US70 9 780,00 kr AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated antenna and unconfined field, 2 ports FCC frequency band._x000D_ PoE injector not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41143T0P0 29 509,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud, for Asia Pacific Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Zebra RFD40 UHF RFID Sled - EU KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD40EU 10 200,00 kr Zebra RFD40 UHF RFID Sled - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Taiwan ba KEONN ADSNTSL1128TWBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Taiwan band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Robin mobile base, model type 001 KEONN ADRTBAS001 257 383,00 kr Robin mobile base, model type 001 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUTW120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Taiwan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, with WiF KEONN ADPR-ZEBRA-JP-ZD6A14 11 571,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R, 203 dpi, with WiFi, configured for AdvanCloud, Japan Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-10: smart recommendation system for reta KEONN ADLK10TWLTEU100 14 356,00 kr AdvanLook-10: smart recommendation system for retail stores, 10__ touch screen, desktop_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, sec KEONN ADFT16TSEU200 21 408,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, secondary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16___x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST9 158,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 9 feet (2,7 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 US KEONN IMPSPR420US 18 609,00 kr Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 US Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 13 KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLI13G01 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 13 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Canada ba KEONN ADSNTSL1128CABT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Canada band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUID120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Indonesia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFJP120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Japan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-SP11 KEONN ADHDADANSP11100 264,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-SP11 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMSUSP12EL100 12 593,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strips, cables for loudspeaker_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST5 133,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF adapter: SMA female straight to Rev TNC female KEONN ADADSMAFSTRTNCFST 50,00 kr RF adapter: SMA female straight to Rev TNC female straight Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTLMR240RT25 290,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 25 feet (7,5 m), LMR240 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: reverse SMA male straight - reverse SMA KEONN ADCBRSMAMSTLMR100R12 178,00 kr RF cable: reverse SMA male straight - reverse SMA male straight - 12ft - LMR100 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ThingMagic M6e-A Plus reader module KEONN THINGMM6EAPLUS 4 338,00 kr ThingMagic M6e-A Plus reader module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Zebra RFD8500 UHF RFID Sled, without 2D imager - E KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD85001000 9 459,00 kr Zebra RFD8500 UHF RFID Sled, without 2D imager - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: swivel mount for TSL 1128 KEONN ADSNTSL1153MNTSS 1 049,00 kr AdvanScan: swivel mount for TSL 1128 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Robin: RFID inventory robot, FCC frequency band_x0 KEONN ADRTUS200 507 490,00 kr Robin: RFID inventory robot, FCC frequency band_x000D_ Recharging station included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUVN120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Vietnam fequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charger for RFID printer ZQ630, EU adapter KEONN ADPRZEBRAP1031365042 728,00 kr Charger for RFID printer ZQ630, EU adapter Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail sto KEONN ADLK43TUS300 64 573,00 kr AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail stores, 43__ touch screen, wall mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, pri KEONN ADFT21TMUS200 34 504,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, primary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 21___x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMB male straight- SMB male straight - 1 KEONN ADCBSMBMSTSMBMST10 189,00 kr RF cable: SMB male straight- SMB male straight - 10 feet (3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj R700 reader, ETSI frequency band, IPJ-R700- KEONN PRDRIMPR700EU 18 539,00 kr Impinj R700 reader, ETSI frequency band, IPJ-R700-241 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPod 6th gen KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLIPOD6G0 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPod 6th gen Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scan KEONN ADSNTSL1128EUBT 11 264,00 kr TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scanner and gun handle_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUKR120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Korea frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFMO120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Macao frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 16__ touc KEONN ADLF16TUS400 27 480,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 16__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, s KEONN ADGTSDEUP12EL100 4 533,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes antennas, RF cables of 5 metres, LED strips, LED cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOSSEU100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFSG120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Singapore frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 32__ touc KEONN ADLF32TEU400 37 778,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 32__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT610, 300 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT61043T0E0 43 935,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT610, 300 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, seconda KEONN ADGTSDUSP13BK100 12 033,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with antennas and RF cables_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST17 227,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 17 feet (5,2 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGuard UHF RFID-based loss prevention controll KEONN ADGRUS100 13 600,00 kr AdvanGuard UHF RFID-based loss prevention controller and alarm_x000D_ Includes: RFID reader, PoE injector, controller, acoustic alarm, visual alarm_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male stra KEONN ADCBSMAMRARTNC3 133,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male straight - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ThingMagic M6e-Nano reader module KEONN THINGMM6ENANO 1 469,00 kr ThingMagic M6e-Nano reader module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for Ad KEONN ADSNZEBRARFDTC20IL 14 356,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and craddle_x000D_ Israel frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1166 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Band), 2D image KEONN ADSNTSL1166EUBT 17 952,00 kr TSL 1166 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOMCEUP33100 18 008,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ Pencil beam shape_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-60: 1 port RFID UHF high performance r KEONN ADRDM1ESMA60 6 674,00 kr AdvanReader-60: 1 port RFID UHF high performance reader with on-board Linux microcomputer_x000D_ Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UHF RFID Conversion Kit for printer ZT411, ZT421 KEONN ADPRZEBRAP1058930500 18 539,00 kr UHF RFID Conversion Kit for printer ZT411, ZT421 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL10TB2SP11EU100 33 497,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader, 2 antennas and RF cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, primary unit, ceiling KEONN ADFTMCEU200 17 448,00 kr AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, primary unit, ceiling mount, EU version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFlow-200 RFID UHF transition portal Wall moun KEONN ADFL2CP14EU200 16 874,00 kr AdvanFlow-200 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Wall mount, ETSI frequency band, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Singapore KEONN ADSNTSL1128SGBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Singapore band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-600: overhead RFID system, lower freque KEONN ADTRSP11DP2LB600 18 889,00 kr AdvanTrack-600: overhead RFID system, lower frequency band (ETSI) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (India Ban KEONN ADSNTSL1128INBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (India Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUMY120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Malaysia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader 750mW, configured for A KEONN ADSNTSL1128M031EU 16 217,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader 750mW, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and two rechargers_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 overhead slave suspension wire mount KEONN ADSFOSSUSP33100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 overhead slave suspension wire mount - FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFUA120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Ukraine frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFAU120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Australia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p11 KEONN ADHDADANP11100 238,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p11 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMDEUP13WH100 21 478,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 white pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male stra KEONN ADCBSMAMRARTNCMST9 164,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male straight - 9 feet (2,7 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, KEONN ADST10TUS200 17 378,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, with 10__ screen_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Australi KEONN ADSNTSL2128PAUBT 16 091,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Australian Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOMSEU100 18 008,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated a KEONN ADRDM1P11EU70 8 241,00 kr AdvanReader-70A: RFID UHF reader with integrated antenna and unconfined field, 1 port, ETSI frequency band._x000D_ PoE injector not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41142T0P0 24 990,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud, for Asia Pacific Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL10TB3SP12EU100 30 726,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader, 3 antennas and RF cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ET KEONN ADGO1604SP11EU100 15 685,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band._x000D_ Includes reader, 4 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Ov KEONN ADFLOMCUS22300 18 260,00 kr AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGO702P11US100 9 571,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes reader, 2 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, pri KEONN ADFT16TMBUS200 33 119,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, primary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16__, with 2D barcode scanner_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Speedway Revolution R220 EU KEONN IMPSPR220EU 12 453,00 kr Impinj Speedway Revolution R220 EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scan KEONN ADSNTSL1128PEBT 11 264,00 kr TSL 1128 handheld reader 750mW, with bar code scanner and gun handle_x000D_ Peru frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Wand reader, smartphone not included_x0 KEONN ADSNCHWR2EU 4 659,00 kr AdvanScan: Wand reader, smartphone not included_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFVN120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Vietnam frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated anten KEONN ADPYCFEU10 5 121,00 kr AdvanPay-10: RFID USB reader with integrated antenna and confined reading area _x000D_ Flush mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p14 KEONN ADHDADANP14100 343,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p14 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMDUSP13WH100 21 478,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 white pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right an KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMRA5 139,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right angle - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda SMA torque wrench 8 mm, 0.9 Newtons meter KEONN ADTLTWSMA09 1 117,00 kr SMA torque wrench 8 mm, 0.9 Newtons meter Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (FCC Band KEONN ADSNTSL2128PUSBT 16 091,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (FCC Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOSCEU100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-60: 2 port RFID UHF high performance r KEONN ADRDM2ESMA60 8 003,00 kr AdvanReader-60: 2 port RFID UHF high performance reader with on-board Linux microcomputer_x000D_ Enclosure included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41143T0E0 26 515,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with KEONN ADPL4SP11US100 19 519,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with 4 antennas, FCC frequency band_x000D_ Not included: screen and barcode scanner Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: trigger handle for TSL 1128 KEONN ADSNTSL1128TRG 546,00 kr AdvanScan: trigger handle for TSL 1128 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUTH120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Thailand frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R with WiFi, 203 dpi KEONN ADPR-ZEBRA-GB-ZD6A14 14 552,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R with WiFi, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud, Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, RFID shel KEONN ADLFUS400 13 796,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, RFID shelf only, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, sec KEONN ADFT16TSBUS200 22 037,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, secondary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16__, with 2D barcode scanner_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST7 144,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 7 feet (2,1 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 for Japan KEONN IMPSPR420JP 18 609,00 kr Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 for Japan Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 12 KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLI12G01 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 12 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Brazil ba KEONN ADSNTSL1128BRBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Brazil band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUCN120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, China frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFIN120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, India frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p33 KEONN ADHDADANP33100 413,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p33 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMSEUP13EL100 13 222,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strips, cables for loudspeaker_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST3 126,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF adapter: SMA female straight to N-type male str KEONN ADADSMAFSTNMST 50,00 kr RF adapter: SMA female straight to N-type male straight Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Zebra RFD2000 UHF RFID Sled - EU KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD2000EU 7 136,00 kr Zebra RFD2000 UHF RFID Sled - EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF adapter: SMA male straight to SMA male straight KEONN ADADSMAMSTSMAMST 50,00 kr RF adapter: SMA male straight to SMA male straight Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ThingMagic M6e-A reader module KEONN THINGMM6EA 4 338,00 kr ThingMagic M6e-A reader module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for Ad KEONN ADSNZEBRARFD40TC21US 20 610,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and craddle_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1153 handheld reader, with barcode scanner _x0 KEONN ADSNTSL1153EUBT 12 635,00 kr TSL 1153 handheld reader, with barcode scanner _x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Robin: RFID inventory robot, ETSI frequency band R KEONN ADRTEU200 507 490,00 kr Robin: RFID inventory robot, ETSI frequency band_x000D_ Recharging station included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUUS120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charger for RFID printer ZQ630, US adapter KEONN ADPRZEBRAP1031365024 728,00 kr Charger for RFID printer ZQ630, US adapter Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail sto KEONN ADLK43TEU300 64 573,00 kr AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail stores, 43__ touch screen, wall mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, pri KEONN ADFT21TMEU200 34 504,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, primary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 21___x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - KEONN ADCBSMAMSTSMAMST12 176,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - SMA male straight - 12 feet (3,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda UTP cable, Cat. 5e black, RJ45 male 90§ right angl KEONN PCBL-UTP-CAT5-RJ4-MR 133,00 kr UTP cable, Cat. 5e black, RJ45 male 90§ right angle, male straight snagless, black, 20 feet lenght Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 8 Plus KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLI8P01 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 8 Plus Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1128 Docking Cradle KEONN ADSNTSL1128CRD02KIT 1 175,00 kr TSL 1128 Docking Cradle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUJP120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Japan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFMA120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Moroccan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 16__ touc KEONN ADLF16TEU400 27 480,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 16__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMSUSP13EL100 13 222,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strips, cables for loudspeaker_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST9 158,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 9 feet (2,7 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFRU120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Russia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 21__ touc KEONN ADLF21TUS400 31 608,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, 21__ touch screen, computer and shelf included, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT610, 203 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT61042T0E0 42 676,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT610, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, s KEONN ADGTSDEUP13EL100 5 737,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes antennas, RF cables of 5 metres, LED strips, LED cables_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST1 108,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGuard UHF RFID-based loss prevention controll KEONN ADGREU100 13 600,00 kr AdvanGuard UHF RFID-based loss prevention controller and alarm_x000D_ Includes: RFID reader, PoE injector, controller, acoustic alarm, visual alarm_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male stra KEONN ADCBSMAMRARTNC1 113,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male straight - 1 foot (0,3 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ThingMagic M6e-M LTE (Micro) reader module KEONN THINGMM6EMICRO 2 323,00 kr ThingMagic M6e-M LTE (Micro) reader module Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for Ad KEONN ADSNZEBRARFDTC20EU 14 356,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld RFID reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ With smartphone, bar code scanner, gun handle and craddle_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 1166 Docking Cradle KEONN ADSNTSL1166CRD01KIT 1 945,00 kr TSL 1166 Docking Cradle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system wit KEONN ADSFOMCEU22200 19 085,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: RFID UHF high performance USB read KEONN ADRDM1EEU10 3 400,00 kr AdvanReader-10: RFID UHF high performance USB reader with enclosure and integrated antenna, ETSI band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Cutter upgrade for ZT410, ZT411 KEONN ADPRZEBRAP1058930189 8 577,00 kr Cutter upgrade for ZT410, ZT411 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLook-300: cross selling system for retail sto KEONN ADMR43TUS300 66 938,00 kr AdvanMirror: RFID smart mirror, 43__ touch screen, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, sec KEONN ADFT21TSUS200 24 976,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, secondary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 21___x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for Xiaomi Mi A3 KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLXA301 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for Xiaomi Mi A3 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, secondary KEONN ADTROSCUS50 2 644,00 kr AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, secondary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Hong Kong KEONN ADSNTSL1128HKBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Hong Kong band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUMO120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Macao frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system wit KEONN ADSFOSCUS22200 9 948,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band, white colour Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Korea ban KEONN ADSNTSL1128KRBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Korea band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOSSUS100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFTW120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Taiwan frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCDUS120 9 543,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Desktop mount, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, seconda KEONN ADGTSDUSP13WH100 12 033,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, secondary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes 1 white pedestal with antennas and RF cables_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMDEUP13EL100 15 615,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strip, cables for loudspeaker and LED strips_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male stra KEONN ADCBSMAMRARTNCMST7 151,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - Rev TNC male straight - 7 feet (2,1 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, KEONN ADST10TEU210 18 008,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags, with 10__ screen_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 2128 Docking Cradle KEONN ADSNTSL2128CRD03KIT 1 903,00 kr TSL 2128 Docking Cradle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system wit KEONN ADSFOMCUS22200 19 085,00 kr AdvanSafe-200: RFID UHF loss prevention system with beam steering_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance U KEONN ADRDM1FR180SMA10 2 714,00 kr AdvanReader-10: 1 port RFID UHF high performance USB reader with flange right angle connector rotated 180 deg Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configure KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41142T010 26 459,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ US and Canada frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, wit KEONN ADPL10TB2SP12US100 28 082,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10__ touch screen, barcode scanner, reader, 2 antennas and RF cables_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, secondary unit, ceili KEONN ADFTSCEU200 6 115,00 kr AdvanFitting RFID subsystem, secondary unit, ceiling mount, EU version Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Ov KEONN ADFLOMCEU22300 18 260,00 kr AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Ov KEONN ADFLOMSUS22300 18 260,00 kr AdvanFlow-300 RFID UHF transition portal_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band, white colour, PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Malaysia KEONN ADSNTSL1128MYBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Malaysia band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCl KEONN ADSNCHWC72002US 9 571,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud_x000D_ Includes Android terminal: Android 11, Octa-core, Full HD 5.2_ screen_x000D_ 2D Barcode scanner, 4G/Dual-band WiFi, 8000mAh battery, IP65_x000D_ Single charging cradle_x000D_ FCC frequency Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-170: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFUS170 9 585,00 kr AdvanPay-170: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area, hard tag detacher and POS functions_x000D_ Table top flush mount, white, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFCN120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, China frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p13 KEONN ADHDADANP13100 315,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p13 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, p KEONN ADGTMDUSP13EL100 15 615,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID-based loss prevention system, primary unit, dual sided_x000D_ Includes reader, antennas, controller, RF cables, PoE injector, loudspeaker, LED strip, cables for loudspeaker and LED strips_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right an KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMRA3 133,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male right angle - 3 feet (0,9 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags_x KEONN ADSTUS100 15 111,00 kr AdvanStation: encoding station for RFID UHF tags_x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Ban KEONN ADSNTSL2128PEUEX1 13 852,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 2128P Bluetooth, RFID UHF (ETSI Band), no imager, trigger handle, battery Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOMSUS100 18 008,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead primary unit, suspension wires mount, FCC frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-60: 1 port RFID UHF high performance r KEONN ADRDM1SMA60 5 919,00 kr AdvanReader-60: 1 port RFID UHF high performance reader with on-board Linux microcomputer_x000D_ Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, for on-m KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41142T5E0 36 617,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 203 dpi, for on-metal tags_x000D_ Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with KEONN ADPL2SP11US100 15 489,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal with 2 antennas, FCC frequency band_x000D_ Not included: screen and barcode scanner Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ET KEONN ADGO702P11EU100 9 571,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. ETSI frequency band._x000D_ Includes reader, 2 antennas, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-60: 2 port RFID UHF high performance r KEONN ADRDM2SMA60 7 178,00 kr AdvanReader-60: 2 port RFID UHF high performance reader with on-board Linux microcomputer_x000D_ Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, for on-m KEONN ADPRZEBRAZT41143T5E0 37 624,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZT411, 300 dpi, for on-metal tags_x000D_ Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUSG120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Singapore frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FC KEONN ADGOIFWM702SP11US100 16 567,00 kr AdvanGo: RFID UHF system for automatic payment. FCC frequency band._x000D_ Includes internal furniture, reader, 2 antennas, antenna holders, RF cables, power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, RFID shel KEONN ADLFEU400 13 796,00 kr AdvanLift: RFID UHF lift & learn system, RFID shelf only, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, pri KEONN ADFT16TMUS200 30 601,00 kr AdvanFitting: interactive fitting room system, primary unit, overhead antenna, screen of 16___x000D_ FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straigh KEONN ADCBSMAMSTRTNCMST5 133,00 kr RF cable: SMA male straight - Rev TNC male straight - 5 feet (1,5 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 EU KEONN IMPSPR420EU 18 609,00 kr Impinj Speedway Revolution R420 EU Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 11 KEONN ADSNTSL1128PLI11G01 1 567,00 kr AdvanScan: pop loq mount for iPhone 11 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Australia KEONN ADSNTSL1128AUBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Australian Band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCUBR120 8 563,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Under table mount, Brazil frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined readin KEONN ADPYCFID120 8 759,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions_x000D_ Flush mount, Indonesia frequency band_x000D_ PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Holder for Advantenna-p22 KEONN ADHDADANP22100 329,00 kr Holder for Advantenna-p22 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary KEONN ADGTMSEUP13BK100 18 833,00 kr AdvanGate UHF RFID loss prevention system, primary unit, single sided_x000D_ Includes 1 black pedestal with reader, antennas, controller, alarm, RF cables and PoE injector_x000D_ ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight KEONN ADCBSMAMRASMAMST2 113,00 kr RF cable: SMA male right angle - SMA male straight - 2 feet (0,6 m) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, secondary KEONN ADTROSCEU50 2 644,00 kr AdvanTrack-50: overhead tracking system, secondary unit, ceiling mount, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda TSL 2166 Docking Cradle KEONN ADSNTSL2166CRD01KIT 1 945,00 kr TSL 2166 Docking Cradle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000 KEONN ADSFOSCUS100 6 366,00 kr AdvanSafe-100 RFID UHF loss prevention system_x000D_ Overhead secondary unit, ceiling mount, FCC frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Thailand KEONN ADSNTSL1128THBT 11 264,00 kr AdvanScan: TSL 1128 Bluetooth, RFID UHF (Thailand band), 2D imager, trigger handle, battery, micro USB cable, USB charger Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo Mini CCID 13.56MHz CSN Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-7536BKU 893,00 kr WAVE ID Solo Mini CCID 13.56MHz CSN Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS & Seos Surface Mount Black E RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BKB-P 4 887,00 kr WAVE ID Plus w/iCLASS & Seos Surface Mount Black EtherNet/IP PoE Readerÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Keyboard Adaptor For Overhead Forklift Mountÿÿ HAVIS CM009690 1 351,00 kr Keyboard Adaptor For Overhead Forklift Mountÿÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-10TB2SP12EU-100 33 497,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10 touch screen, barcode scanner and 2 antennas, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Phone Cradle & Magnet Mount HAVIS PKG-MAG-101 901,00 kr Phone Cradle & Magnet Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high per KEONN ADPL-10TB4SP12EU-100 35 889,00 kr AdvanPortal: RFID UHF high performance portal, with 10 touch screen, barcode scanner and 4 antennas, ETSI frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID UHF high performance KEONN ADRD-M4-SMA-24-160 9 696,00 kr AdvanReader-160: 4 port RFID UHF high performance reader with on-board Linux microcomputer_x000D_ Enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanTrack-600: overhead RFID system, upper freque KEONN ADTRSP11DP2UB60 18 889,00 kr AdvanTrack-600: overhead RFID system, upper frequency band (FCC, upper ETSI) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Rugged Mobile Case, Ingenico DX8000 HAVIS 367-5876 631,00 kr Rugged Mobile Case, Ingenico DX8000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment U RF IDEAS RDR-30L31EKU 2 146,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader Base Ki RF IDEAS RDR-805H1BKU-X 1 834,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader Base Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader Economy RF IDEAS RDR-805H1BKU-X2 1 850,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader Economy Kit Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader with 72 RF IDEAS RDR-805H1BKU-X-C72 1 863,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Black USB Reader with 72 inch USB Cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke Micro module USB Rea RF IDEAS OEM-805N13KU-V3 1 508,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke Micro module USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke Micro module USB Rea RF IDEAS OEM-805N13KU-V3-X 1 508,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 Keystroke Micro module USB Reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader RF IDEAS OEM-805N23KU-V3 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader w/ RF IDEAS OEM-805N23KU-V3-X 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader w/o cable Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader w/ RF IDEAS OEM-805N23KU-V3-XN 1 036,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM V3 SDK Micro module USB reader w/o cable or adhesive Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke SP w/iCLASS SE & Seos Bl RF IDEAS KT-800H1BKU 2 556,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke SP w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Replacement Power Cord For DS-ZEB-100/200/300 Seri HAVIS DS-DA-336 595,00 kr Replacement Power Cord For DS-ZEB-100/200/300 Series Docking Stations With Internal Isolated Power S Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Havis Self Check Out Payment Arm Mount, Sunmi K2 K HAVIS 367-6200 965,00 kr Havis Self Check Out Payment Arm Mount, Sunmi K2 Kiosk Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda RFID UHF tag: 1020885 tag. Monza 730, paper tag KEONN PTAG-P-BT1020885M730 1,00 kr RFID UHF tag: 1020885 tag. Monza 730, paper tag Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda Mounting brackets and kits for Desktop Mini RF IDEAS BKT-MINI 200,00 kr Mounting brackets and kits for Desktop Mini Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo Keystroke V2 LEGIC Secure Segment Sur RF IDEAS RDR-7LW1BKU-C36 1 962,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini Keystroke iClass ID/SE/SEOS and MIFARE Secure Black USB Amazon Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Conversion Kit for Low Contour Payment Terminal St HAVIS 367-4567-1 949,00 kr Conversion Kit for Low Contour Payment Terminal Stands Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Third Generation Communications Hub HAVIS DS-DA-602 2 092,00 kr Third Generation Communications Hub Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Universal Barcode Scanner Bucket and MD-408 Mount HAVIS PKG-MH-3008-2 1 882,00 kr Universal Barcode Scanner Bucket and MD-408 Mount Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Power Supply With Switchcraft Connector For DS-DEL HAVIS LPS-185 2 879,00 kr Power Supply With Switchcraft Connector For DS-DELL-904/904-4, DS-DELL-907/907-4, DS-DELL-1104/1107 & DS-TAB-301 Docking Stations Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based softwa KEONN ADCL-C-ADPL 252,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanPortal. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanCloud: cloud-based softwa KEONN ADCL-C-ADRT 252,00 kr AdvanCloud: cloud-based software for AdvanRobot. Includes: license, data hosting and second-level SW technical support, (price per month) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Design of label template for AdvanPrint KEONN ADSR-ADPR-TEM 6 315,00 kr Design of label template for AdvanPrint Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Customization of Keonn systems KEONN ADSW-CODIF 15 444,00 kr Customization of Keonn systems to a proprietary codification. ASK FOR A QUOTE Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Slim wall bracket for antennas and 10_27_ screens KEONN PSCAMNT10010030001BK 140,00 kr Slim wall bracket for antennas and 10_27_ screens, VESA 100x100, withstands up to 30kg Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R with WiFi, 203 dpi KEONN ZEBGBZD6A14230ELR2EZ 14 356,00 kr AdvanPrint: RFID Printer ZD621R with WiFi, 203 dpi, configured for AdvanCloud, Global frequency band Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA con KEONN ADMX-4-130 1 077,00 kr AdvanMux-4: RFID UHF multiplexer, 4 ports, SMA connectors Optional enclosure not included Lägg till i varukorgen
Sista produkten i lager Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke MIFARE Secure Wallmount USB RF IDEAS RDR-80MW1AKU 2 266,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke MIFARE Secure Wallmount USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus OEM module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader RF IDEAS OEM-805N11K5-V3-X 2 231,00 kr WAVE ID Plus OEM module 5v Pin9 RS-232 Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda pcProx Plus 82 Series Black RF IDEAS RDR-80582AKU 1 156,00 kr pcProx Plus 82 Series Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus MIFARE Secure LEAF USB Black Reade RF IDEAS RDR-80MH1BKU-WL 1 765,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus MIFARE Secure LEAF USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Solo SDK 13.56MHz CSN Android 11 Black USB RF IDEAS RDR-7582AKU-AN 893,00 kr WAVE ID Solo SDK 13.56MHz CSN Android 11 Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Mini Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment RF IDEAS RDR-30L31EKU-H 2 621,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile Mini Keystroke LEGIC Secure Segment with HID SEOS USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Mobile Mini SDK LEGIC Secure Segment with RF IDEAS RDR-30L32EKU-H 1 980,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile Mini SDK LEGIC Secure Segment with HID SEOS USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/ iCLASS ID & SEOS Black TCP/IP RF IDEAS RDR-80031BKE-P 4 738,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini w/ iCLASS ID & SEOS Black TCP/IP Ethernet POE Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface RF IDEAS RDR-800W1BKU-C72 2 371,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Keystroke w/iCLASS SE & Seos Surface Mount Black 72in USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda DCAPP Data Collection APP SYSDEV DCAPP 624,00 kr DCAPP Data Collection APP Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be p HAVIS 367-2008-40 1 512,00 kr The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be positioned anywhere on the Pole and tightened with the hex tool provided with the TechTower Base. The arm provides 4inof lift above the center of the clamp, and the pivot feature allows an upward Mon Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Durable Cast Metal rotating clamp can be posit HAVIS 367-2008-45 1 592,00 kr The Durable Cast Metal rotating clamp can be positioned anywhere on the Pole and tightened with the hex tool provided with the TechTower Base. The arm provides 4inof lift above the center of the clamp, and the pivot feature allows an upward Monitor Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Payment Device Arm, Fixed Length, Fixed Pole Clamp HAVIS 367-2009-49 917,00 kr Payment Device Arm, Fixed Length, Fixed Pole Clamp Included, for Tailwind Firstbase Connect Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda This metal powder coat painted tray includes an of HAVIS 367-3465 965,00 kr This metal powder coat painted tray includes an offset swivel so that it can be _moved_ closer to the pole by simply rotating it 180 degrees. It is sized for Epson_s TM T88 IV and Toshiba_s TCx Single Station printers. Polyethylene washers provide Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Base - Free-Standing, for use with 8in, 12in, 16in HAVIS 367-4005-03 1 158,00 kr Base - Free-Standing, for use with 8in, 12in, 16in, 20in, and 24inLong Poles (Pole not included) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Sturdy Cast Metal Grommet Base can mount above HAVIS 367-4005-10 868,00 kr The Sturdy Cast Metal Grommet Base can mount above or below your countertop and includes mounting hardware and a TechTower Tool kit. The Pole includes a decorative plastic cap and edge liners to protect cables, and is large enough to allow all your Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Sturdy Cast Metal Grommet Base can mount above HAVIS 367-4005-11 917,00 kr The Sturdy Cast Metal Grommet Base can mount above or below your countertop and includes mounting hardware and a TechTower Tool kit. The Pole includes a decorative plastic cap and edge liners to protect cables, and is large enough to allow all your Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be p HAVIS 367-4008-11 724,00 kr The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be positioned anywhere on the Pole and tightened with the hex tool provided with the TechTower Base. The pivot feature allows an upward Monitor tilt of 50 degrees and a downward tilt of 10 degrees. No Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Durable Cast Metal rotating clamp can be posit HAVIS 367-4008-15 804,00 kr The Durable Cast Metal rotating clamp can be positioned anywhere on the Pole and tightened with the hex tool provided with the TechTower Base. It provides 330 degrees of rotation around the axis of the pole. The pivot feature allows an upward Moni Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be p HAVIS 367-4008-21 917,00 kr The Durable Cast Metal non-rotating clamp can be positioned anywhere on the Pole and tightened with the hex tool provided with the TechTower Base. The double-pivot feature allows an upward Monitor tilt of 50 degrees and a downward tilt of 10 degree Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charger, Single Bay HAVIS 367-6199-1 675,00 kr Charger, Single Bay Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda MOBILE CASE,CASTLES S1E2L (CAUTION - WAS TOAST - W HAVIS 367-6205 595,00 kr MOBILE CASE,CASTLES S1E2L (CAUTION - WAS TOAST - WITH EMBEDDED LOGO - plus ADYEN -they should launch first) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CHARGER, SINGLE BAY (CAUTION - WAS ADYEN -they sh HAVIS 367-6221-1 675,00 kr CHARGER, SINGLE BAY (CAUTION - WAS ADYEN -they should launch first) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda CHARGER, 4 BAY (CAUTION - WAS TOAST / ADYEN -they HAVIS 367-6221-4 1 930,00 kr CHARGER, 4 BAY (CAUTION - WAS TOAST / ADYEN -they should launch first) Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda ENS, THE FLEXIGRIP MINI COMPAC HAVIS ASS00900 354,00 kr FLEXIGRIP MINI - with side grips to hold smaller mobile type payment terminals from 4.5cm (1.77in) to 10.5cm (4.3in) wide. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda FlexipPole Plus Stand for Ingenico Axium DX4000 HAVIS ASS4A121 595,00 kr FlexipPole Plus Stand for Ingenico Axium DX4000 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal Backplate, for Verifone CM5 HAVIS CST00184 523,00 kr Metal Backplate, for Verifone CM5. NOTE: QTY 50 MOQ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal FlexiPole Backplate for Pax A920Pro Payment HAVIS CST00191 554,00 kr Metal FlexiPole Backplate for Pax A920Pro Payment Terminal. MOQ 50 un Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal Backplate, for Verifone X990 v2 HAVIS CST00192 631,00 kr Metal Backplate, for Verifone X990 v2. NOTE: QTY 50 MOQ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Metal Backplate, for PAX Q25 HAVIS CST00204 177,00 kr Power Supply With Switchcraft Connector For DS-DELL-904/904-4, DS-DELL-907/907-4, DS-DELL-1104/1107 & DS-TAB-301 Docking Stations. QTY 50 MOQ. Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda FlexiPole Backplate for Ingenico Lane 3600 & RX 50 HAVIS CST00215 177,00 kr FlexiPole Backplate for Ingenico Lane 3600 & RX 5000, Payment Terminals Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Axium DX4000 Payment Terminals backplate for UPM M HAVIS CST00216 177,00 kr Axium DX4000 Payment Terminals backplate for UPM Mounts Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda This Single Monitor, Heavy Duty DM-1000 Series Pro HAVIS DM-10-113 1 383,00 kr This Single Monitor, Heavy Duty DM-1000 Series Product provides cable management, durability, tilt range from 10ø to 160ø and swivel range of 300ø. Ideal Multi-Positioning secure mount for VESA compliant monitor. Supports devices up to 18 lbs. For t Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda This Single Monitor, Heavy Duty, Free Standing DM- HAVIS DM-10-114 1 898,00 kr This Single Monitor, Heavy Duty, Free Standing DM-1000 Series Product provides cable management, durability, tilt range from 10ø to 160ø and swivel range of 300ø. Ideal Multi-Positioning secure mount for VESA compliant monitor. Includes Weighted 8in Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda This Dual Monitor, Heavy Duty DM-1000 Series Produ HAVIS DM-10-213 1 994,00 kr This Dual Monitor, Heavy Duty DM-1000 Series Product provides cable management, durability, tilt range from 10ø to 160ø and swivel range of 300ø. Ideal Multi-Positioning secure mount for VESA compliant monitors. Supports devices up to 18 lbs. for th Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda This Dual Monitor, Heavy Duty, Free Standing DM-10 HAVIS DM-10-214 2 686,00 kr This Dual Monitor, Heavy Duty, Free Standing DM-1000 Series Product provides cable management, durability, tilt range from 10ø to 160ø and swivel range of 300ø. Ideal Multi-Positioning secure mount for VESA compliant monitors. Includes Weighted 9.5i Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Charger Adapter Kit For Zebra Charging ShareCradle HAVIS DS-DA-116 1 319,00 kr Charger Adapter Kit For Zebra Charging ShareCradle Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 18in Welded Pole, 45mm (1.75in) dia,, for creating HAVIS MM-10-150 595,00 kr 18in Welded Pole, 45mm (1.75in) dia,, for creating unique MM-1000 configurations by adding peripherals such as monitorsx, paymentx, printerx and Scanner xattach these using Collar Mount MM-10-201 or Collar Mount Arm MM-10-202 Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Monitor Mount on 16in long folding extension arms, HAVIS MM-10-320 1 029,00 kr Monitor Mount on 16in long folding extension arms, Double Pivot (up/down and left/right) for 75/100mm VESA compliant monitors Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Payment Terminal Mount on 16in long folding arms, HAVIS MM-10-420 1 029,00 kr Payment Terminal Mount on 16in long folding arms, Includes Plinth for all Tailwind Back-plates Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Small, fo HAVIS MM-10-520 1 174,00 kr Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Small, for Printers with bases up to 5.7Ä (145mm) Wide X 6Ä (152mm) Deep Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Medium, f HAVIS MM-10-521 1 222,00 kr Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Medium, for Printers with bases up to 150mm Wide X 200mm Deep Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Large, fo HAVIS MM-10-522 1 254,00 kr Printer Mount on 16in long folding arms, Large, for Printers with bases up to 7.8in(198mm) Wide X 11.25in (286mm) Deep Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda 18in Welded Pole, for 2 monitors weighing up to 15 HAVIS MM-10-851 1 833,00 kr 18in Welded Pole, for 2 monitors weighing up to 15 lbs each. Includes both the Collar Mounts which can rotate about the pole or be fixed in position and the Single Pivot Monitor Mounts. Add peripherals such as additional monitorsx, paymentx, printer Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HP ENG GO 13in CASE WITH HANDSTRAP HAVIS MP-HP-PR-01 1 833,00 kr HP ENG GO 13in CASE WITH HANDSTRAP Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda HP ENG GO 13in CASE WITH VERIFONE 285 AND HANDSTRA HAVIS MP-HP-PR-03 1 978,00 kr HP ENG GO 13in CASE WITH VERIFONE 285 AND HANDSTRAP Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda Adh. Replacement pad - FlexiPole Plus HAVIS TW30131E 16,00 kr Adh. Replacement pad - FlexiPole Plus Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanPay-120: RFID UHFreader with confined reading KEONN ADPY-CD-US-120 9 976,00 kr AdvanPay-120: RFID UHF reader with confined reading area and POS functions. Desktop mount, FCC frequency band. PoE injector included Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanScan: Chainway C5Handheld reader with cradle, KEONN ADSN-CHW-C5-002-US 8 411,00 kr AdvanScan: Handheld reader, configured for AdvanCloud Includes Android terminal: Android 11, Octa-core, Full HD 5.2_ screen 2D Barcode scanner, 4G/Dual-band WiFi, 8000mAh battery, IP65 Single charging cradle FCC frequency band - US power supply Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda POWER SUPLY, EM, 60W, 20-60VDC, INPT, 12VDC, ZEB HAVIS LPS-193 3 368,00 kr POWER SUPLY, EM, 60W, 20-60VDC, INPT, 12VDC, ZEB Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda 100W USBC Non-Isolated LIND DC Power Supply with a HAVIS LPS-1002 2 584,00 kr 100W USBC Non-Isolated LIND DC Power Supply with a 90ø Right Angle USBC Connector Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda Power Supply (with ferrite bead for in-vehicle EMI HAVIS LPS-138 2 396,00 kr Power Supply (with ferrite bead for in-vehicle EMI suppression) for use with DS-DELL-600 Series Docking Stations Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda Isolated 100 Watt Power Supply used for 20-60 VDC HAVIS LPS-187 5 028,00 kr Isolated 100 Watt Power Supply used for 20-60 VDC Input Vehicle with DS-DELL-900/1100 & PKG-DELL-1000/1200 Series Docking Stations Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK LEGIC Secure Segment USB Bla RF IDEAS RDR-30L32EKU 1 545,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini SDK LEGIC Secure Segment USB Black Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Ricoh Black USB Reader RF IDEAS RDR-805H1BKU-R 1 807,00 kr WAVE ID SP Plus Keystroke Ricoh Black USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ny Ej upplagda Advantenna-SP22: RFID UHF high gain antenna. KEONN ADANSP22EUPSOSMA100 2 928,00 kr Advantenna-SP22: RFID UHF high gain antenna Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 16in Vi RF IDEAS RDR-6711AKU-V2 1 882,00 kr WAVE ID Nano Keystroke ioProx (Kantech) V2 Black Vertical USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 6in Vir RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK0-C06 2 118,00 kr WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 6in Virtual Com Readerÿ Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda WAVE ID Plus Mini w/iCLASS SE & Seos Black 16in Vi RF IDEAS RDR-80031BK0-C16 2 118,00 kr WAVE ID Mobile OEM V3 Keystroke Tesla USB Reader Lägg till i varukorgen
Ej upplagda AdvanFilm: shielding film (per square metre) KEONN ADFM-001-1M-WH.01 1 007,00 kr AdvanFilm: shielding film (per square metre) Lägg till i varukorgen