Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license + RTG Total s RAPTOOL HORT01 6 458,00 kr CDS user license + RTG Total solution, hosted. Needs CDS Start. Mobile device license + RTG connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Multi Function RTG App license RAPTOOL HOMF01 3 875,00 kr Multi Function RTG App license with CDS and service (Windows, Android, iOS). Price per year. RTG Level 2 Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license + RTG Integra RAPTOOL HOIR01 9 688,00 kr CDS user license + RTG Integrated Advanced, hosted. Mobile device license + RTG connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Script Integration Server local or hosted RAPTOOL HOIN01 6 458,00 kr Script Integration Server local or hosted installation. Price per year. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS, ERP-Integrated App design RAPTOOL HOEE01 7 750,00 kr CDS, ERP-Integrated App design (RTG) and Client License for: Android, iOS, Windows PC, Windows CE or Windows Mobile. App-deisgn included Connected to hosted Raptool Communicator and CDS. Price per year. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL CDS user license, hosted. Need RAPTOOL HOCL01 2 583,00 kr CDS user license, hosted. Needs CDS Start. Web or mobile device license connected to hosted CDS Server. Including service & support. Yearly (invoiced yearly 12 months in advance) Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Server Script RAPTOOL PLSS01 6 458,00 kr Raptool Server Script. For PC Installation Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, A, Service. USB Communica RAPTOOL OYUN01 538,00 kr RAP, A, Service. USB Communicator 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. NET Communicator 3 ye RAPTOOL OYNN01 3 229,00 kr Service. NET Communicator 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Other services or licenses RAPTOOL OTHE01 11,00 kr Other services or licenses Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. USB Communicator year RAPTOOL OSUN01 269,00 kr Service. USB Communicator yearly. Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, Service. NET Mobile Co RAPTOOL OSNN01 1 615,00 kr Service. NET Communicator yearly. Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, A, USB Communicator RAPTOOL OLUN01 1 076,00 kr RAP, A, USB Communicator Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, B, NET Mobile Communicato RAPTOOL OLNN01 8 611,00 kr Raptool NET Communicator Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Additional unit Integ RAPTOOL IYXX02 4 306,00 kr Service. Additional unit Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years total Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Start Integrated Read RAPTOOL IYXX01 8 611,00 kr Service. Start Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Additional unit Integ RAPTOOL ISXX02 2 691,00 kr Service. Additional unit Integrated Ready To GO solution. 3 years total Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Start Integrated Read RAPTOOL ISXX01 4 844,00 kr Service. Start Integrated Ready To GO solution. 1 year Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Additional unit Integrated Adv RAPTOOL IRXX02 10 764,00 kr Additional unit Integrated Advanced Ready To GO solution. 1 mobile device license, 1 year service & support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Start Integrated Advanced Read RAPTOOL IRXX01 19 375,00 kr Start Integrated Advanced Ready To GO solution. NET Server, 1 mobile device license, 1 year service & support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart Pyramid MemorID Base module ye RAPTOOL IPYR02 8 073,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Base module yearly service and support. Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Pyramid MemorID Base module st RAPTOOL IPYR01 32 292,00 kr Pyramid MemorID Base module start cost - One time cost Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL Service. Designer 3 years, Upg RAPTOOL DYPN01 5 382,00 kr Service. Designer 3 years, Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen
Sökbart RAPTOOL RAP, E, Service. Designer year RAPTOOL DSPN01 2 691,00 kr RAP, E, Service. Designer yearly Upgrades and Technical support Lägg till i varukorgen